Items for COVID-19 telehealth and phone services

Page last updated 21 February 2022

Latest information on MBS telehealth items

MBS items for telehealth services have been subject to a number of changes since they were first introduced in March 2020. For the most up-to-date information on telehealth items, please visit the links below.
Changes to MBS telehealth items from 1 January 2022
Factsheets on ongoing MBS telehealth arrangements from 1 January 2022
Telehealth available through a patient’s regular GP/practice: Frequently asked questions
AskMBS Advisory – Existing relationship clarification
RACGP MBS Telehealth guide


On 29 March 2020, the Minister for Health announced that telehealth services would be expanded to all Australians in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. ‘Whole of population’ telehealth services were introduced on 30 March 2020.

While the new COVID-19 items were initially available only to patients and providers with or at risk of the virus, this requirement has now been lifted and the services are available to all Medicare-eligible persons for the treatment of any condition, and can be provided by any practitioner qualified to provide the service in line with normal MBS arrangements. A service may only be provided by telehealth where it is safe and clinically appropriate to do so. Providers do not need to physically be in their regular practice to provide telehealth services.

For more information regarding the new items visit MBS Online. A series of fact sheets has also been developed to support the introduction of these items.

Enquiries relating to the COVID-19 telehealth MBS items can be sent to

Telehealth available through a patient’s regular GP/practice: frequently asked questions

On 10 July 2020 the Minister for Health, the Hon Greg Hunt MP, announced changes to the telehealth MBS items introduced in response to COVID-19. The changes promote patients receiving continuous care from a patient’s regular GP or medical practice and took effect on 20 July 2020.

The RACGP has developed an FAQ on the availability of telehealth through a patient’s regular GP/practice, including exemptions and exceptions to any restrictions. This FAQ is being updated as more information is made available.

Telehealth available through a patient’s regular GP/practice: frequently asked questions – last updated 23 July 2021.

Please provide any feedback on these changes to

Bulk billing

As of 1 October 2020, the legislated requirement to bulk bill the COVID-19 telehealth services for certain patient groups is removed. You can now apply your ordinary billing practices to all of the telehealth items and all patients.

Alongside this, bulk billing incentive payments (items 10990, 10991, 74990 and 74991) return to their normal levels and the introduced incentives for vulnerable patients (items 10981 and 10982) are discontinued.

Item descriptors and rebates

Rebates for telehealth services are the same as those paid for the equivalent face-to-face services. These services are for non-admitted patients only. Telehealth items will be available until 31 December 2021.

A number of changes to MBS telehealth items for general practice services took effect on 1 July 2021. Please visit this page for more information.

For the most up-to-date list of telehealth item numbers and rebates, refer to the RACGP’s MBS Telehealth guide.

Please note:
telehealth attendance means a professional attendance by video conference where the rendering health practitioner:

  1. has the capacity to provide the full service through this means safely and in accordance with relevant professional standards; and
  2. is satisfied that it is clinically appropriate to provide the service to the patient; and
  3. maintains a visual and audio link with the patient; and
  4. is satisfied that the software and hardware used to deliver the service meets the applicable laws for security and privacy.

Item number




Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner for an obvious problem characterised by the straightforward nature of the task that requires a short patient history and, if required, limited management.



Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner lasting less than 20 minutes if the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

  1. taking a short patient history;
  2. arranging any necessary investigation;
  3. implementing a management plan;
  4. providing appropriate preventative health care.



Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner lasting at least 20 minutes if the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

  1. taking a detailed patient history;
  2. arranging any necessary investigation;
  3. implementing a management plan;
  4. providing appropriate preventative health care.



Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner lasting at least 40 minutes if the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

  1. taking an extensive patient history;
  2. arranging any necessary investigation;
  3. implementing a management plan;
  4. providing appropriate preventative health care.


Please note:
phone attendance means a professional attendance by telephone where the health practitioner:

  1. has the capacity to provide the full service through this means safely and in accordance with professional standards; and
  2. is satisfied that it is clinically appropriate to provide the service to the patient; and
  3. maintains an audio link with the patient.

Item number




Phone attendance by a general practitioner for an obvious problem characterised by the straightforward nature of the task that requires a short patient history and, if required, limited management.



Phone attendance by a general practitioner lasting less than 20 minutes if the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

  1. taking a short patient history;
  2. arranging any necessary investigation;
  3. implementing a management plan;
  4. providing appropriate preventative health care.



Phone attendance by a general practitioner lasting at least 20 minutes if the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

  1. taking a detailed patient history;
  2. arranging any necessary investigation;
  3. implementing a management plan;
  4. providing appropriate preventative health care.



Phone attendance by a general practitioner lasting at least 40 minutes if the attendance includes any of the following that are clinically relevant:

  1. taking an extensive patient history;
  2. arranging any necessary investigation;
  3. implementing a management plan;
  4. providing appropriate preventative health care.


Item number




Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner, for the purpose of providing focussed psychological strategies for assessed mental disorders if:

  1. the practitioner is registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialing requirements for provision of this service; and
  2. the service lasts at least 30 minutes, but less than 40 minutes.



Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner, for the purpose of providing focussed psychological strategies for assessed mental disorders if:

  1. the practitioner is registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialing requirements for provision of this service; and
  2. the service lasts at least 40 minutes.


Item number




Phone attendance by a general practitioner, for the purpose of providing focussed psychological strategies for assessed mental disorders if:

  1. the practitioner is registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialing requirements for provision of this service; and
  2. the service lasts at least 30 minutes, but less than 40 minutes.



Phone attendance by a general practitioner, for the purpose of providing focussed psychological strategies for assessed mental disorders if:

  1. the practitioner is registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialing requirements for provision of this service; and
  2. the service lasts at least 40 minutes.


Item number




Telehealth attendance, by a general practitioner who has not undertaken mental health skills training (and not including a specialist or consultant physician), of at least 20 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a GP mental health treatment plan for a patient.



Telehealth attendance, by a general practitioner who has not undertaken mental health skills training (and not including a specialist or consultant physician), of at least 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a GP mental health treatment plan for a patient.



Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner to review a GP mental health treatment plan which the general practitioner, or an associated general practitioner has prepared, or to review a Psychiatrist Assessment and Management Plan.



Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner in relation to a mental disorder and of at least 20 minutes in duration, involving taking relevant history and identifying the presenting problem (to the extent not previously recorded), providing treatment and advice and, if appropriate, referral for other services or treatments, and documenting the outcomes of the consultation.



Telehealth attendance, by a general practitioner who has undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 20 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a GP mental health treatment plan for a patient.



Telehealth attendance, by a general practitioner who has undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a GP mental health treatment plan for a patient.


Item number




Phone attendance, by a general practitioner who has not undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 20 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a GP mental health treatment plan for a patient.



Phone attendance, by a general practitioner who has not undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a GP mental health treatment plan for a patient.



Phone attendance by a general practitioner to review a GP mental health treatment plan which the general practitioner, or an associated general practitioner has prepared, or to review a Psychiatrist Assessment and Management Plan.



Phone attendance by a general practitioner in relation to a mental disorder and of at least 20 minutes in duration, involving taking relevant history and identifying the presenting problem (to the extent not previously recorded), providing treatment and advice and, if appropriate, referral for other services or treatments, and documenting the outcomes of the consultation.



Phone attendance, by a general practitioner who has undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 20 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a GP mental health treatment plan for a patient.



Phone attendance, by a general practitioner who has undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a GP mental health treatment plan for a patient.


Item number




Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner, for preparation of a GP management plan for a patient (other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 735 to 758 or items 92074 to 92078 or 92030 to 92034 apply).



Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner, to coordinate the development of team care arrangements for a patient (other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 735 to 758 or items 92074 to 92078 or 92030 to 92034 apply).



Contribution by a general practitioner by telehealth, to a multidisciplinary care plan prepared by another provider or a review of a multidisciplinary care plan prepared by another provider (other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 735 to 758 or items 92074 to 92078 or 92030 to 92034 apply).



Contribution by a general practitioner by telehealth to:

  1. a multidisciplinary care plan for a patient in a residential aged care facility, prepared by that facility, or to a review of such a plan prepared by such a facility; or
  2. a multidisciplinary care plan prepared for a patient by another provider before the patient is discharged from a hospital, or to a review of such a plan prepared by another provider.
    (other than a service associated with a service to which items 735 to 758 or items 92074 to 92078 or 92030 to 92034 apply).



Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner to review or coordinate a review of:

  1. a GP management plan prepared by a general practitioner (or an associated general practitioner) to which items 721, 229, or item 92024 or 92068 applies; or
  2. team care arrangements which have been coordinated by the general practitioner (or an associated general practitioner) to which item 723 of the general medical services table, item 230, or item 92025 or 92069 or items applies.


Item number




Phone attendance by a general practitioner, for preparation of a GP management plan for a patient (other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 735 to 758, items 235 to 240, or items 92074 to 92078 or 92030 to 92034 apply).



Phone attendance by a general practitioner, to coordinate the development of team care arrangements for a patient (other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 735 to 758, items 235 to 240, or items 92074 to 92078 or 92030 to 92034 apply).



Contribution by a general practitioner by phone to a multidisciplinary care plan prepared by another provider or a review of a multidisciplinary care plan prepared by another provider (other than a service associated with a service to which any of items 735 to 758, items 235 to 240, or items 92074 to 92078 or 92030 to 92034 apply).



Contribution by a general practitioner by phone, to:

  1. a multidisciplinary care plan for a patient in a residential aged care facility, prepared by that facility, or to a review of such a plan prepared by such a facility; or
  2. a multidisciplinary care plan prepared for a patient by another provider before the patient is discharged from a hospital, or to a review of such a plan prepared by another provider (other than a service associated with a service to which items 735 to 758, items 235 to 240, or items 92074 to 92078 or 92030 to 92034 apply).



Phone attendance by a general practitioner to review or coordinate a review of:

  1. a GP management plan prepared by a general practitioner (or an associated general practitioner) to which item 721 of the general medical services table, item 229, or items 92074 to 92078 or 92030 to 92034, or items 92024 or 92068 applies; or
  2. team care arrangements which have been coordinated by the general practitioner (or an associated general practitioner) to which item 723 of the general medical services table or item 92025 or 92069 or items applies.


Item number




Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner for a health assessment of a patient.


Item number




Phone attendance by a general practitioner for a health assessment of a patient.


Item number




Telehealth attendance of at least 20 minutes in duration by a general practitioner who is registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialing requirements for provision of this service for the purpose of providing non-directive pregnancy support counselling to a person who:

  1. is currently pregnant; or
  2. has been pregnant in the 12 months preceding the provision of the first service to which this item or item 4001, 92138, 792, 92139, 92137, 81000, 81005, 81010, 93029 or 93026 applies in relation to that pregnancy.


Item number




Phone attendance of at least 20 minutes in duration by a general practitioner who is registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialing requirements for provision of this service for the purpose of providing non-directive pregnancy support counselling to a person who:

  1. is currently pregnant; or
  2. has been pregnant in the 12 months preceding the provision of the first service to which this item or item 4001, 92136, 792, 92139, 92137, 81000, 81005, 81010, 93029 or 93026 applies in relation to that pregnancy.


Item number




Telehealth attendance of at least 45 minutes in duration by a general practitioner for assessment, diagnosis and preparation of a treatment and management plan for a patient under 13 years with an eligible disability if the general practitioner does all of the following:

  1. undertakes a comprehensive assessment and makes a diagnosis (if appropriate, using information provided by an eligible allied health provider);
  2. develops a treatment and management plan, which must include the following:
    1. an assessment and diagnosis of the patient’s condition;
    2. a risk assessment;
    3. treatment options and decisions;
    4. if necessary—medication recommendations;
  3. provides a copy of the treatment and management plan to one or more allied health providers, if appropriate, for the treatment of the patient.


A list of eligible conditions can be found in MBS Note AN.0.25.

Item number




Phone attendance of at least 45 minutes in duration by a general practitioner for assessment, diagnosis and preparation of a treatment and management plan for a patient under 13 years with an eligible disability if the general practitioner does all of the following:

  1. undertakes a comprehensive assessment and makes a diagnosis (if appropriate, using information provided by an eligible allied health provider);
  2. develops a treatment and management plan, which must include the following:
    1. an assessment and diagnosis of the patient’s condition;
    2. a risk assessment;
    3. treatment options and decisions;
    4. if necessary—medication recommendations;
  3. provides a copy of the treatment and management plan to one or more allied health providers, if appropriate, for the treatment of the patient.


A list of eligible conditions can be found in MBS Note AN.0.25.

Item number




Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner who has not undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 20 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a written eating disorder treatment and management plan for an eligible patient, if:

  1. the plan includes an opinion on diagnosis of the patient’s eating disorder; and
  2. the plan includes treatment options and recommendations to manage the patient’s condition for the following 12 months; and
  3. the plan includes an outline of the referral options to allied health professionals for mental health and dietetic services, and specialists, as appropriate; and
  4. the general practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):
    1. a copy of the plan; and
    2. suitable education about the eating disorder.



Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner who has not undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a written eating disorder treatment and management plan for an eligible patient, if:

  1. the plan includes an opinion on diagnosis of the patient’s eating disorder; and
  2. the plan includes treatment options and recommendations to manage the patient’s condition for the following 12 months; and
  3. the plan includes an outline of the referral options to allied health professionals for mental health and dietetic services, and specialists, as appropriate; and
  4. the general practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):
    1. a copy of the plan; and
    2. suitable education about the eating disorder.



Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner who has undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 20 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a written eating disorder treatment and management plan for an eligible patient, if:

  1. the plan includes an opinion on diagnosis of the patient’s eating disorder; and
  2. the plan includes treatment options and recommendations to manage the patient’s condition for the following 12 months; and
  3. the plan includes an outline of the referral options to allied health professionals for mental health and dietetic services, and specialists, as appropriate; and
  4. the general practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):
    1. a copy of the plan; and
    2. suitable education about the eating disorder.



Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner who has undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a written eating disorder treatment and management plan for an eligible patient, if:

  1. the plan includes an opinion on diagnosis of the patient’s eating disorder; and
  2. the plan includes treatment options and recommendations to manage the patient’s condition for the following 12 months; and
  3. the plan includes an outline of the referral options to allied health professionals for mental health and dietetic services, and specialists, as appropriate; and
  4. the general practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):
    1. a copy of the plan; and
    2. suitable education about the eating disorder.


Item number




Phone attendance by a general practitioner who has not undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 20 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a written eating disorder treatment and management plan for an eligible patient, if:

  1. the plan includes an opinion on diagnosis of the patient’s eating disorder; and
  2. the plan includes treatment options and recommendations to manage the patient’s condition for the following 12 months; and
  3. the plan includes an outline of the referral options to allied health professionals for mental health and dietetic services, and specialists, as appropriate; and
  4. the general practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):
    1. a copy of the plan; and
    2. suitable education about the eating disorder.



Phone attendance by a general practitioner who has not undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a written eating disorder treatment and management plan for an eligible patient, if:

  1. the plan includes an opinion on diagnosis of the patient’s eating disorder; and
  2. the plan includes treatment options and recommendations to manage the patient’s condition for the following 12 months; and
  3. the plan includes an outline of the referral options to allied health professionals for mental health and dietetic services, and specialists, as appropriate; and
  4. the general practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):
    1. a copy of the plan; and
    2. suitable education about the eating disorder.



Phone attendance by a general practitioner who has undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 20 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a written eating disorder treatment and management plan for an eligible patient, if:

  1. the plan includes an opinion on diagnosis of the patient’s eating disorder; and
  2. the plan includes treatment options and recommendations to manage the patient’s condition for the following 12 months; and
  3. the plan includes an outline of the referral options to allied health professionals for mental health and dietetic services, and specialists, as appropriate; and
  4. the general practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):
    1. a copy of the plan; and
    2. suitable education about the eating disorder.



Phone attendance by a general practitioner who has undertaken mental health skills training, of at least 40 minutes in duration for the preparation of a written eating disorder treatment and management plan for an eligible patient, if:

  1. the plan includes an opinion on diagnosis of the patient’s eating disorder; and
  2. the plan includes treatment options and recommendations to manage the patient’s condition for the following 12 months; and
  3. the plan includes an outline of the referral options to allied health professionals for mental health and dietetic services, and specialists, as appropriate; and
  4. the general practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):
    1. a copy of the plan; and
    2. suitable education about the eating disorder.


Item number




Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner to review an eligible patient’s eating disorder treatment and management plan prepared by the general practitioner, an associated medical practitioner working in general practice, or a consultant physician practising in the specialty of psychiatry or paediatrics, if:

  1. the general practitioner reviews the treatment efficacy of services provided under the eating disorder treatment and management plan, including a discussion with the patient regarding whether the eating disorders psychological treatment and dietetic services are meeting the patient’s needs; and
  2. modifications are made to the eating disorder treatment and management plan, recorded in writing, including:
    1. recommendations to continue with treatment options detailed in the plan; or
    2. recommendations to alter the treatment options detailed in the plan, with the new arrangements documented in the plan; and
  3. initiates referrals for a review by a consultant physician practising in the specialty of psychiatry or paediatrics, where appropriate; and
  4. the general practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):
    1. a copy of the plan; and
    2. suitable education about the eating disorder.


Item number




Phone attendance by a general practitioner to review an eligible patient’s eating disorder treatment and management plan prepared by the general practitioner, an associated medical practitioner working in general practice, or a consultant physician practising in the specialty of psychiatry or paediatrics, if:

  1. the general practitioner reviews the treatment efficacy of services provided under the eating disorder treatment and management plan, including a discussion with the patient regarding whether the eating disorders psychological treatment and dietetic services are meeting the patient’s needs; and
  2. modifications are made to the eating disorder treatment and management plan, recorded in writing, including:
    1. recommendations to continue with treatment options detailed in the plan; or
    2. recommendations to alter the treatment options detailed in the plan, with the new arrangements documented in the plan; and
  3. initiates referrals for a review by a consultant physician practising in the specialty of psychiatry or paediatrics, where appropriate; and
  4. the general practitioner offers the patient and the patient’s carer (if any, and if the practitioner considers it appropriate and the patient agrees):
    1. a copy of the plan; and
    2. suitable education about the eating disorder.


Item number




Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner, for providing eating disorder psychological treatment services by a general practitioner registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialling requirements for provision of this service, and lasting at least 30 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration, for an eligible patient if treatment is clinically indicated under an eating disorder treatment and management plan.



Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner, for providing eating disorder psychological treatment services by a general practitioner registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialling requirements for provision of this service, and lasting at least 40 minutes in duration, for an eligible patient if treatment is clinically indicated under an eating disorder treatment and management plan.


Item number




Phone attendance by a general practitioner, for providing eating disorder psychological treatment services by a general practitioner registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialling requirements for provision of this service, and lasting at least 30 minutes but less than 40 minutes in duration, for an eligible patient if treatment is clinically indicated under an eating disorder treatment and management plan.



Phone attendance by a general practitioner, for providing eating disorder psychological treatment services by a general practitioner registered with the Chief Executive Medicare as meeting the credentialling requirements for provision of this service, and lasting at least 40 minutes in duration, for an eligible patient if treatment is clinically indicated under an eating disorder treatment and management plan.


Item number




Telehealth attendance by a general practitioner on not more than one patient on one occasion—each attendance in unsociable hours if:

  1. the attendance is requested by the patient or a responsible person in the same unbroken after-hours period; and
  2. the patient’s medical condition requires urgent assessment.


Item number




Phone attendance by a general practitioner on not more than one patient on one occasion—each attendance in unsociable hours if:

  1. the attendance is requested by the patient or a responsible person in the same unbroken after-hours period; and
  2. the patient’s medical condition requires urgent assessment.


Item number




Antenatal telehealth service provided by a midwife, nurse or an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner, to a maximum of 10 services per pregnancy, if:

  1. the service is provided on behalf of, and under the supervision of, a medical practitioner; and
  2. the service is provided at, or from, a practice location in a regional, rural or remote area; and
  3. the service is not performed in conjunction with another antenatal attendance item in Group T4 for the same patient on the same day by the same practitioner.



Postnatal telehealth attendance by an obstetrician or general practitioner (other than a service to which any other item applies) if:

  1. is between 4 and 8 weeks after the birth; and
  2. lasts at least 20 minutes in duration; and
  3. includes a mental health assessment (including screening for drug and alcohol use and domestic violence) of the patient; and
  4. is for a pregnancy in relation to which a service to which item 82140 applies is not provided

Applicable once for a pregnancy.



Postnatal telehealth attendance (other than attendance at consulting rooms, a hospital or a residential aged care facility or a service to which any other item applies) if:

  1. the attendance is rendered by:
    1. a midwife (on behalf of and under the supervision of the medical practitioner who attended the birth); or
    2. an obstetrician; or
    3. a general practitioner; and
  2. is between 1 week and 4 weeks after the birth; and
  3. lasts at least 20 minutes; and
  4. is for a patient who was privately admitted for the birth; and
  5. is for a pregnancy in relation to which a service to which item 82130, 82135 or 82140 applies is not provided

Applicable once for a pregnancy.



Antenatal telehealth attendance.


Note: These services must not be performed in cases where the practitioner and patient have the capacity to undertake an attendance by video conference.

Item number




Antenatal phone service provided by a midwife, nurse or an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner, to a maximum of 10 services per pregnancy, if:

  1. the service is provided on behalf of, and under the supervision of, a medical practitioner; and
  2. the service is provided at, or from, a practice location in a regional, rural or remote area; and
  3. the service is not performed in conjunction with another antenatal attendance item in Group T4 for the same patient on the same day by the same practitioner.



Postnatal phone attendance by an obstetrician or general practitioner (other than a service to which any other item applies) if:

  1. is between 4 and 8 weeks after the birth; and
  2. lasts at least 20 minutes in duration; and
  3. includes a mental health assessment (including screening for drug and alcohol use and domestic violence) of the patient; and
  4. is for a pregnancy in relation to which a service to which item 82140 applies is not provided

Applicable once for a pregnancy.



Postnatal phone attendance other than attendance at consulting rooms, a hospital or a residential aged care facility or a service to which any other item applies) if:

  1. the attendance is rendered by:
    1. a midwife (on behalf of and under the supervision of the medical practitioner who attended the birth); or
    2. an obstetrician; or
    3. a general practitioner; and
  2. is between 1 week and 4 weeks after the birth; and
  3. lasts at least 20 minutes; and
  4. is for a patient who was privately admitted for the birth; and
  5. is for a pregnancy in relation to which a service to which item 82130, 82135 or 82140 applies is not provided

Applicable once for a pregnancy.



Antenatal phone attendance.


Item number Descriptor Rebate


Follow‑up telehealth attendance provided by a practice nurse or an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner, on behalf of a medical practitioner, for an Indigenous person who has received a health check if:

  1. the service is provided on behalf of and under the supervision of a medical practitioner; and
  2. the service is consistent with the needs identified through the health assessment.



Telehealth attendance provided by a practice nurse or an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner to a person with a chronic disease if:

  1. the service is provided on behalf of and under the supervision of a medical practitioner; and
  2. the person has a GP management plan, team care arrangements or multidisciplinary care plan in place and the service is consistent with the plan or arrangements.
Item number Descriptor Rebate


Follow‑up phone attendance provided by a practice nurse or an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner, on behalf of a medical practitioner, for an Indigenous person who has received a health check if:

  1. the service is provided on behalf of and under the supervision of a medical practitioner; and
  2. the service is consistent with the needs identified through the health assessment.



Phone attendance provided by a practice nurse or an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health practitioner to a person with a chronic disease if:

  1. the service is provided on behalf of and under the supervision of a medical practitioner; and
  2. the person has a GP management plan, team care arrangements or multidisciplinary care plan in place and the service is consistent with the plan or arrangements.

