Changes to heart health assessment items

Page last updated 21 October 2019

Changes from 1 November 2019

From 1 November 2019, the rebate percentage for MBS item 699 (heart health assessment by a general practitioner lasting at least 20 minutes) will increase from 85% to 100% of the fee. Simultaneously, the MBS fees will be adjusted to ensure that the rebate for eligible patients and remuneration for eligible providers will remain the same.

The rebate percentage for item 177 (heart health assessment by a medical practitioner [other than a specialist or consultant physician] lasting at least 20 minutes) will also increase to 100% of the fee.

This change is being made to align the two interim items for heart health assessments with other health assessment items in the MBS.


Item number


Amended rebate


Professional attendance for a heart health assessment by a general practitioner at consulting rooms lasting at least 20 minutes and must include:

  1. collection of relevant information, including taking a patient history that is aimed at identifying cardiovascular disease risk factors, including diabetes status, alcohol intake, smoking status and blood glucose;
  2. a physical examination, which must include recording of blood pressure and cholesterol status;
  3. initiating interventions and referrals to address the identified risk factors;
  4. implementing a management plan for appropriate treatment of identified risk factors;
  5. providing the patient with preventative health care advice and information, including modifiable lifestyle factors;

with appropriate documentation.

Claimable once only in a 12 month period. The heart health assessment item cannot be claimed if a patient has had a health assessment service (items 701, 703, 705, 707, 715) in the previous 12 months.



Professional attendance for a heart health assessment by a medical practitioner (other than a specialist or consultant physician) at consulting rooms lasting at least 20 minutes and must include:

  1. collection of relevant information, including taking a patient history that is aimed at identifying cardiovascular disease risk factors, including diabetes status, alcohol intake, smoking status and blood glucose;
  2. a physical examination, which must include recording of blood pressure and cholesterol status;
  3. initiating interventions and referrals to address the identified risk factors;
  4. implementing a management plan for appropriate treatment of identified risk factors;
  5. providing the patient with preventative health care advice and information, including modifiable lifestyle factors;

with appropriate documentation.

Claimable once only in a 12 month period. The heart health assessment item cannot be claimed if a patient has had a health assessment service (items 224, 225, 226, 227, 228) in the previous 12 months.


For more information on these changes, visit MBS Online.

