Policy Update Notice - PESCI Policy and PESCI Handbook

18 March 2024

This notice is to advise that the RACGP has updated the PESCI Policy and PESCI Handbook.

The updated documents will come into immediate effect, superseding the previous versions as of Monday, 18 March 2024.

What has changed?
Affected clauses / sections Change Rationale

Conflict of interest (CoI)

  • PESCI Policy – clause 5.6
  • PESCI Handbook – p.9
Addition of reference to new Conflicts of Interest Guidance.

Previous version of the policy and handbook outlined that PESCI panel members must declare CoI ‘in writing’ to the RACGP, but did not give any further detail.

The addition of the CoI Guidance provides users with more detailed information about CoI, including a link to the new online CoI Declaration Form.

Confidentiality of PESCI assessment materials

  • PESCI Policy – clause 5.9
  • PESCI Handbook – p.9
Addition of content to outline that PESCI applicants must not disclose PESCI assessment materials to third parties. Breaches of confidentiality will be investigated in line with the Academic Misconduct Policy. The new clause addresses a gap identified in the previous version of the policy and handbook.

Scheduling of interview

  • PESCI Handbook – p.4

Update to notify applicants that interviews will be held online approximately one to three months after they submit their application. Consistency with scheduling information provided on the PESCI webpage.

When do these changes take place?
The changes will take place on 18 March 2024.

Where can I view the documents?

The new documents can be accessed below:

All training program policies and associated documents can be accessed via the RACGP website.

What if I have questions?
If you have any enquiries relating to the updated policies, please contact educationpolicy@racgp.org.au

