International medical graduates

Practise medicine in Australia

International medical graduates

Practise medicine in Australia

Education > IMGs

International medical graduates (IMGs) are practitioners who received their qualifications outside of Australia or New Zealand.

Australia offers the opportunity for IMGs to work in a world-class health system in a diverse range of geographic and lifestyle settings – from large metropolitan general practice to providing quality medical services as a rural and remote general practitioner (GP).

The content contained in these pages is designed to help answer questions about the pathways to FRACGP, recognition of skills and the processes involved. It also provides useful contacts and online resources to support IMGs along their journey.

PESCI (Pre-Employment Structured Clinical Interview)

The RACGP is proud to be accredited by the Australian Medical Council (AMC) as a provider of the pre-employment structured interview (PESCI).

PESCI Handbook

A PESCI evaluates your suitability for a particular general practice position. It consists of an online structured clinical interview using scenarios  

PESCI - Applicant technical guide

All Pre-employment Structured Clinical Interviews (PESCI) will be conducted online using Zoom videoconferencing. This technical guide covers the technical aspects of the interview. 

Letters of status

Doctors who are on an RACGP Fellowship pathway may be asked for a letter from the RACGP confirming their progress towards Fellowship 

Fellowship programs for IMGs

The RACGPs Fellowship programs recognise the work international medical graduates have done overseas and in Australia. 

Roadmap to Fellowship of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (FRACGP)

We'll help you understand the pathways to registration, determine which pathway is for you, and guide you through each step of your journey to Fellowship of the RACGP.

Insights into building a career in Australian General Practice

General practice employment

Primary healthcare system

Living and working in General Practice

Sign up for RACGP International Membership

Join the RACGP to be a part of a like-minded community of GPs and access a range of exclusive benefits:

  • Simple and relevant information
  • Answers to your specific questions
  • Top tips and helpful advice
  • Networking opportunities
  • Learning modules and CPD