RACGP submission to the Senate Inquiry into assessment and support services for people with ADHD

Page last updated 13 June 2023

Date: 9 June 2023

The RACGP has provided a submission to the Senate Inquiry into the barriers to consistent, timely and best practice assessment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and support services for people with ADHD.

Our key messages and recommendations are:

  • The current access to ADHD management for many patients is inadequate.
  • Barriers to adequate access to ADHD management include difficulty in accessing specialists, costs, unclear referral pathways, their environment, and coordination between different services.
  • GPs with an interest in this area should be supported to take on an expanded role in the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD.
  • Regulatory barriers need to be addressed, with consistent rules across all states and territories describing the clinicians that are authorised to diagnose and prescribe stimulant medications for patients
  • Shared care models show how GPs can work alongside other medical professionals to improve access for patients. These need to be enabled and funded nationally.
  • Patient rebates are lower per minute for longer consultations, disadvantaging people who require more time with their GP, including patients with ADHD. Increased investment in longer consultations is a simple way to build additional support for these patients.
  • Funding is needed to support shared care models to be effective.

Read the submission

RACGP submission to the Senate Inquiry into assessment and support services for people with ADHD (PDF)

