Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician


Men’s health

April Vol 45 (4) 161-256
AFP > 2016 > April


General practice encounters with men

Lisa Valenti, Clare Bayram, Helena Britt

Identifying and responding to men who use violence in their intimate relationships

Kelsey Hegarty, Kirsty Forsdike-Young, Laura Tarzia, Ron Schweitzer, Rodney Vlais

Optimising healthcare for men who have sex with men: A role for general practitioners

Christopher K Fairley, Vincent J Cornelisse, Norman J Roth

Male baldness

Philip Clarke

Up front

Editorial: Considering domestic violence in clinical practice

Sophia Samuel

Letters to the editor


An approach to vertigo in general practice

Sindhu Dommaraju, Eshini Perera

Cellulitis imitator – A case study

Darryn Rennie

Relapsing rash and depression: A case study

Kirsten Due

Bilateral aural foreign bodies

Philippe F Bowles, Charlotte Turrell, Prodip Das

Verrucous and papillomatous plaque on the vulva

Adrián Imbernón-Moya, Elena Vargas-Laguna, Alejandro Lobato-Berezo, Marcela Martínez-Pérez, Micaela Churruca-Grijelmo, Antonio Aguilar-Martínez, Eva Fernández-Cogolludo, Miguel Ángel Gallego-Valdés

A young African woman with hyperglycaemia

Adam Morton, Anish Menon, Trisha O’Moore-Sullivan

Painful perianal lumps in a man with male sexual partners

Miranda Sherley, Sarah Martin

Clinical importance of assessing walking speed in older adults in general practice

Samantha Fien, Timothy Henwood, Mike Climstein, Justin William Leslie Keogh

Anal cancer is on the rise; it’s a shame …

Stephen Leppard


The validity of visual acuity assessment using mobile technology devices in the primary care setting

Samuel O’Neill, Darryl J McAndrew

Implementation of a team model for RACF care by a general practice

Carole Meade, Bernadette Ward, Helen Cronin

Improving nephrology service delivery – Accessing the specialist

Cathie Lane, Saiyini Pirabhahar, Jennifer Robins, Shelley Tranter, Mark Brown, Ivor Katz

Use of home visiting GP services by paediatric patients presenting at emergency departments

Gary L Freed, Erin Turbitt, Amy R Allen


MTHFR genetic testing: Controversy and clinical implications

Sarah Long, Jack Goldblatt

The impact of complaints on doctors

Georgie Haysom


It is time to stop prescribing oral salbutamol

Simon Craig, Martin Tuszynski, David Armstrong

Lifestyle as medicine – Past precepts for present problems

Garry Egger, Darren Morton, Brett Mitchell, Lillian Kent, Trevor Hurlow

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Clinical challenge


Australian Family Physician RACGP

Printed from Australian Family Physician - https://www.racgp.org.au/afp/2016/april
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