MethodWe analysed GP encounters with children aged <15 years that were collected in the Bettering the Evaluation and Care of Health (BEACH) program from April 2000 to March 2003 and April 2012...
Patients’ attitudes to their asthma and perception of their asthma control are suggested reasons for dissonance between recommended and actual medication use.8,9 How clinicians perceive their...
Alcohol is one of the most widely used drugs in Australia. According to the 2013 National Drug Strategy Household Survey (NDSHS), about four out of five Australians aged ≥14 years consumed...
Chronic conditions managed in general practice were defined according to the work of O’Halloran et al.2 Between April 2011 and March 2012 there were 98 400 encounters recorded in the BEACH...
A rapid rise in the treatment of chronic wounds in the United States has been linked to an ageing population and an increasing incidence of diabetes and obesity.1 In Australia, we also have an...
Patients with schizophrenia tend to present with physical complaints at a later, more serious stage. They also have a significantly higher incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus, coronary heart...
Effective communication between general practitioners (GPs) and their patients is essential to the provision of high-quality care and the best health outcomes for patients. Criterion 1.2.3 of The...
In June 2012, 14% of the Australian population was aged 65 years and over. Population projections indicate this could rise to 22.4% by 2061, and the proportion aged 85 years and over may...
The general practice workforce required for Australia in the future will depend on many factors, including geographic areas and patient utilisation of general practice services.
BackgroundIn common with many countries, the training of medical graduates for entry into general practice in Australia uses an apprenticeship model of experiential learning in accredited teaching...
We sought to investigate whether similar patterns of GDM existed in Australian general practice using the BEACH data. Between April 1998 and March 2013, 14 770 GPs collected information on 419 785...
Each year on average in the BEACH (Bettering the Evaluation and Care of Health) program, GH has been managed at 6.7 per 100 000 recorded general practice encounters (about 670 times a year...
There was one infertility/subfertility problem managed at each of the 652 encounters: 81.6% with female patients and 18.4% with male. Infertility/subfertility was most commonly managed for patients...
General practitioners (GPs) are at the coalface of primary healthcare in Australia. It is estimated that approximately 85% of the population visit a GP at least once a year.1 This article focuses...
One in 20 Australian general practice patients suffer from COPD (one in 10 for patients aged 65 years or older). One in 5 are classified at the highest severity level (by the Global Initiative for...
BackgroundService in the Australian Defence Force (ADF) can be physically and mentally demanding. A report on the mental health of current serving personnel found they had a similar prevalence of...
This paper reports on the proportion of patients with multiple chronic conditions at GP encounters, using data from a 2008–2009 BEACH sub-study that measured the prevalence of chronic conditions.4...
This lack of information led us to design a sub-study of the BEACH program, surveying 2654 patients from 91 general practitioners in late 2012, to determine the prevalence of NP among patients seen...
In this article we report changes in the GP management rate of psychological problems at encounters with patients aged 6–11 years (inclusive), annually over 13 years (April 2000–March 2013). These...
The internet could be an effective additional source of health information for patients. Although there is an abundance of literature about online health information seeking and its benefits...
Data from the Australian Medical Treatment Survey 1990–91, and from BEACH (Bettering the Evaluation and Care of Health), were analysed to detect changes in the management rate of PAD since 1990...
More than 500 000 encounters were recorded in BEACH over the study period and 12 380 of those encounters were with patients who had a repatriation health card. Half of these veterans (50.2%) were...
In BEACH (Bettering the Evaluation and Care of Health), between April 2007 and March 2012, PE was managed at only 28 per 100 000 encounters with adult male patients. In December 2008 to January...
Younger GPs were more likely to be female, hold FRACGP, be an Australian graduate and work in a group practice. Older GPs were more likely to manage patients who: were male, were aged 45+ years...
From 2003–04 to 2011–12 in the BEACH (Bettering the Evaluation and Care of Health) program, information was collected on 879 400 encounters from 8794 GPs. At least one psychological problem was...
During this period, the sex-specific proportion of CVA managed (% encounters) was significantly lower in women (0.16%; 95% CI: 0.15–0.17) than in men (0.24%; 0.23–0.26). The age-specific...
Figure 1 shows the patient characteristic-specific rate of SRCs. Patients aged 15–24 years had the highest likelihood of having an SRC, followed by those aged 25–44 years. Patients from regional...
Travel advice and vaccination for general practice patients before their travel was investigated in a sub-study of the Bettering the Evaluation And Care of Health (BEACH) program in May and June...
Printed from Australian Family Physician -© The Australian College of General Practitioners