Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician



July Vol 46 (7) 449-544
AFP > 2017 > July


Genetics of obesity

Lesley V Campbell AM

Obstructive sleep apnoea and obesity

Garun S Hamilton, Simon A Joosten

Bariatric–metabolic surgery: A guide for the primary care physician

Phong Ching Lee, John Dixon

Pharmacotherapy for obesity

Phong Ching Lee, John Dixon

Up front

Editorial: An update on obesity

Glenn Duns


Genitourinary syndrome of menopause

Elizabeth Farrell AM

Fragile X-associated disorders: Don’t miss them

Rachael C Birch, Jonathan Cohen, Julian N Trollor

Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: An updated approach to diagnosis and management in general practice

Ross Tomlinson

Clinical assessment, diagnosis and management of nasal obstruction

Aaron Esmaili, Aanand Acharya

Not just another lipoma

Mark Huang, Helen Dooley

The intrauterine contraceptive device is where? An unexpected cause of intravesical IUCD

Jason J Ong, Helen Henzell, Lisa Doyle, Christopher K Fairley


Lisa Crossland, Claire Jackson

Using electronic medical records to assess the rate of treatment for osteoporosis in Australia

Megan Elliott-Rudder, Catherine Harding, Joseph McGirr, Alexa Seal, Louis Pilotto

General practitioner follow-up in older patients after an emergency department admission

Chun Wah Michael Tam, Belinda Watson, Belinda Pellizzon, Lucille Ban, Harry Doan

Hepatitis B testing and diagnosis experiences of patients and primary care professionals in Australia

Jacqueline Richmond, Elizabeth Smith, Jack Wallace, Duane Duncan, Jayne Lucke

Successfully implementing a diabetic retinopathy screening service in general practice: What does the evidence tell us?

Lisa Crossland, Claire Jackson


Deborah Mitchison, Christopher Basten, Scott Griffiths, Stuart B Murray

Beneath the tip of the iceberg: Why so many people with eating disorders are not referred for treatment

Deborah Mitchison, Christopher Basten, Scott Griffiths, Stuart B Murray

Back pages

Clinical Challenge


Australian Family Physician RACGP

Printed from Australian Family Physician - https://www.racgp.org.au/afp/2017/july
© The Australian College of General Practitioners www.racgp.org.au