The Vision for general practice

Supporting resources

Last revised: 21 Oct 2019

The Vision for general practice and a sustainable healthcare system outlines a framework for excellence in healthcare and provides the solution to address a range of issues and pressures currently facing the Australian healthcare system.

The Vision requires a commitment from all those who will benefit from its implementation, including health providers, consumers and funders. The RACGP has developed several supporting documents to encourage successful implementation of the Vision.

Australian Government: As the primary funder of general practice services in Australia, the Australian Government has an essential role in supporting the implementation of the Vision for the benefit of all Australians.

State and territory governments: State and territory governments will see benefits from an appropriately supported general practice system through reduced hospital use, and therefore have a role in supporting the implementation of the Vision.

  • Implementing the Vision – A guide for state and territory governments is expected for release in 2020.

General practices: Many GPs and general practices are already implementing mechanisms to achieve the features of high-quality general practice outlined in  the Vision. The guide for general practices will pull together innovative ideas that are already being used by other practices to work towards implementing the Vision.

  • Implementing the Vision – A guide for general practices is expected for release in 2020.

Health consumers: Health consumers have a role in managing their own healthcare. The guide for health consumers will identify simple strategies for health consumers to ensure that they are getting the most out of their general practice experience.

  • Implementing the Vision – A guide for health consumers is expected for release in 2020.
