Medicare provider numbers


Medicare provider numbers


Education > GPs in training > Medicare provider numbers
Last updated 16 April 2024

It is the registrar and the training site's responsibility to ensure that Medicare provider numbers (MPN) are in place prior to billing patients.

Whilst RACGP will receive the Medicare provider number (MPN) paperwork, it’s the responsibility of the registrar and the training site to ensure they have an active MPN for the relevant location at commencement and throughout their placement (and to request any extension at the completion of training).

Location, location, location

MPNs are location specific, and where a registrar is at more than one location (accredited training site – e.g. working at a branch practice) or as a visiting medical officer (VMO), an MPN must be in place for each location.


As part of the registrar placement process, the RACGP will receive applications for MPN and these are forwarded to Services Australia so that an MPN can be issued.

Registrars must:

  • Ensure applications are completed and provided to RACGP;
  • Allow sufficient time to enable processing by RACGP and account for delays during peak times both at RACGP and Services Australia;
  • Verify that a MPN is active for their site before the registrar starts billing patients;
  •  Have systems and processes to monitor provider number start and end dates.

Whilst every effort is made to support registrars and training sites with this process, RACGP cannot accept responsibility for:

  • Delays in processing due to incomplete applications
  • Failure to ensure MPN is current and active prior to billing patients
  • Failure of training sites to have systems and processes to monitor expiry dates
  • Any losses incurred due to delays in issuing or extending MPNs.

Training sites should request a copy of the Approved Placement Outcome letter issued by Medicare.


Generally, processing of MPN applications take 6-8 weeks from receipt of a complete application to issue of MPN by Services Australia. This includes:

  • RACGP processing and
  • Services Australia processing times.

The RACGP processes approximately 10,000 Medicare provider numbers every year. Peak times are due to training term commencement for Australian General Practice Training (AGPT) and Fellowship Support Programs (FSP) participants. Peak processing times are:

  • April to June, and
  • October to December.

Whilst processing occurs year-round, processing times can be impacted during these peak times.

Additional delays will occur if applications are incomplete or contain incorrect details. This will delay the issuing or extension of your training provider number.


Contact us

For further information or assistance, please contact:

Training support

General Practitioner Training Support Line:
1800 472 247

GP training contacts
AGPT training departments contact list