Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician


Common dilemmas in kids

June Vol 44 (6) 337–432
AFP > 2015 > June


Management of childhood asthma in general practice

Clare Bayram, Ying Pan, Helena Britt, Graeme C Miller, Janice Charles, Joan Henderson

Sleep apnoea in the child

Gillian M Nixon, Margot Davey

Managing childhood migraine

Edward Sixsmith, Mike Starr

The wheezing child: an algorithm

Stephen Oo, Peter Le Souëf

Up front

Editorial: Observing the human condition

Stephen A Margolis

Letters to the editor


Your questions about complementary medicines answered: glucosamine

Mieke van Driel, Sanne Kreijkamp-Kaspers, Treasure McGuire, Suzanne Bedford, Marie Pirotta, Peter Loadsman, Geraldine Moses

Acute onset of widespread pustular eruption

Paulo Morais, Ana Pereira, Ângela Pinho, Patrícia Sousa

A handyman with hand ulcers

Mark Braidwood, Brooke Wilson, Margot Whitfield

The use of fenofibrate in the management of patients with diabetic retinopathy: an evidence-based review

Neil Sharma, Ju-Lee Ooi, Jong Ong, Douglas Newman


Clinical exposure of interns during a general practice placement

Nyoli Valentine, Ian McCombe, Bruce Mugford

Exploring female GPs’ perceptions about medical leadership

Lyn Clearihan, Karen Price

Improving cultural respect to improve Aboriginal health in general practice: a multi-methods and multi-perspective pragmatic study

Siaw-Teng Liaw, Mark Harris, Vicki Wade, Phyllis Lau, Iqbal Hasan, Rosa Canalese, Margaret Kelaher

Current rehabilitation processes do not prevent long-term impairments after treatment for breast cancer in Australia

Elizabeth S Dylke, Sharon Kilbreath


BEACH program update

Helena Britt, Graeme C Miller

E-cigarettes and the law in Australia

Heather Douglas, Wayne Hall, Coral Gartner

Research ethics and approval process: A guide for new GP researchers

Chun Wah Michael Tam, Siaw-Teng Liaw


Shaping our own destiny by Choosing Wisely

Claire Jackson

Let’s listen to patients’ and GPs’ perspectives on alcohol-screening research

Chun Wah Michael Tam, Nicholas Zwar, Louis Hion-Lam Leong

Benefits of less frequent injections in advanced prostate cancer

Michael Ortiz

Back pages

Clinical Challenge


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Printed from Australian Family Physician - https://www.racgp.org.au/afp/2015/june
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