Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician


Volume 38, Issue 8, August 2009

Drug and herb interactions Searching the web

Felix W S Wong Chi Eung Danforn Lim Linda Lin
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Australian patients spend large sums of money on complementary medicine and therapy each year. General practitioners are often asked questions about whether prescribed medications will interact with complementary medications. What current internet resources can be accessed to assist in answering these questions?
This article looks at current internet resources that can assist GPs to answer patient questions about interactions between prescribed and complementary medicines.
Many of the websites found in this study provided limited information and limited searchability. We found seven webistes out of 100 that met our selection criteria. A web portal, with risk categorisation of mild, moderate and severe for drug-herb interactions, can assist doctors in clinical decision making. Maximum benefits could be obtained by working corroboratively with the Therapeutic Goods Administration.

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Australian Family Physician RACGP

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