Health professionals have varying levels of knowledge about, and
interest in, providing dementia services. This article compares patient
experiences in dealing with dementia with the perceived role of
health care providers in providing dementia care.
Patients turn to their GP for help with dementia but may find most
benefit from the assistance and advice of people who have already
negotiated the pathways to care. Health professionals who fail to
investigate patients presenting with dementia symptoms can delay
diagnosis, denying patients and carers early intervention that could
improve quality of life for both patient and carer.
Patients often notice dementia symptoms before their general
practitioner and seek diagnosis and support. Not all GPs wish to
provide dementia services and many are unaware of the benefits
of early diagnosis and dementia care guidelines. Dementia forums
attract older health professionals, suggesting younger members are
less engaged in dementia care. Older patients tend to consult with
older GPs, but older GPs are less aware of dementia diagnosis and
management guidelines.
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