Madeleine Stockden
Madeleine Stockden is an Australian Physiotherapy Association Titled Cancer and Lymphoedema Physiotherapist. She has advanced content knowledge and over 20 years clinical experience in the areas of lymphoedema, chronic oedemas and cancer rehabilitation physiotherapy.
She currently works in Private practice near Fremantle in Western Australia. Madeleine completed a Masters of Manipulative Physiotherapy at Curtin University in 1998 and is currently enrolled at Macquarie University undertaking a Master of Research looking at Effect of snake bite bandaging on superficial lymphatic transit in the lower limb using ICG Lymphography.
She has been a Director of the Australasian Lymphology Association (ALA), State representative for the ALA and Chair and Editor of the ALA Editorial Committee. She is currently a member of the ALA’s Equity Committee.