Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician



Chun Wah Michael Tam

BSc (Med) MBBS MMH (GP) FRACGP, Staff Specialist in General Practice, General Practice Unit, South Western Sydney Local Health District; Conjoint Senior Lecturer, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW; RACGP National Research and Evaluation Ethics Committee, NSW.

Alcohol enquiry by GPs – Understanding patients’ perspectives: A qualitative study

Drinking behaviours that increase the risk of alcohol-related harm (ie risky drinking) occur in one-quarter of Australian adult general practice attendees.1 General practitioners (GPs) are...

Alcohol screening and brief interventions in primary care – Evidence and a pragmatic practice-based approach

Risky alcohol use is a problem in Australia. The general population has consistently perceived ‘excessive alcohol consumption’ as the ‘drug of most serious concern’.1 It is common – 30% of people...

Can research that is not intended or unlikely to be published be considered ethical?

The National statement on ethical conduct in human research1 (National Statement) describes research as investigations undertaken to gain knowledge and understanding, or to train researchers. Human...

Consultation contexts and the acceptability of alcohol enquiry from general practitioners – a survey experiment

Alcohol consumption accounts for 3.2% of the burden of disease and injury in Australia,1 and is second only to tobacco as the greatest preventable cause of drug-related deaths and hospitalisation.2...

Ethical considerations in recruiting primary care patients to research studies

CaseYou have been approached by university researchers seeking your help to recruit patients to a research study. The study would involve your elderly, frail patients answering a survey about their...

Ethical research or research ethics?

Are we doing ethical health research or just complying with research ethics and technical requirements?Like others,1 we have observed a tendency for 1) ethical issues in clinical and health...

General practitioner follow-up in older patients after an emergency department admission

It is well known that Australia has an ageing population. Morbidity and mortality rates increase with ageing1 and increase the burden on the healthcare system. In recent years, emergency department...

Let’s listen to patients’ and GPs’ perspectives on alcohol-screening research

General practitioners (GPs) are at the frontline in reducing the health burden of alcohol-related harms. Australian and international guidelines recommend a preventive approach – early detection of...

Patients’ acceptance of SNAP assessment: An exploration

We previously described in Australian Family Physician a survey experiment that demonstrated patients’ acceptance of alcohol enquiry from their general practitioners (GPs) varied markedly depending...

Research ethics and approval process: A guide for new GP researchers

Why have research ethics?Researchers endeavour to gain, develop, generate, construct and improve upon ideas, knowledge and understanding.1 Human research is ‘conducted with or about people, or...


Australian Family Physician RACGP

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