Imaging the thoraxModalities available for imaging chest diseases include chest X-ray, computed tomography (CT) and nuclear medicine, including ventilation–perfusion lung scanning and positron...
General pointsThe reader is referred to the November 2012 AFP article ‘MRI of the knee’ for a general discussion of MRI.2The examination is relatively long and takes 15–30 minutes to complete. The...
The Australian Government recently announced an expansion of Medicare-funded MRI services. From November 2012, general practitioners can refer children under the age of 16 years and from November...
Table 1. Common clinical features of pulmonary embolism2New or worsening breathlessness, particularly if it was sudden in onsetTachypnoea (respiratory rate of 20 breaths or more per minute)Chest...
What is ionising radiation?Ionising radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation with enough energy to dislodge outer shell electrons from an atom, causing that atom to become ionised and...
DiscussionFigure 1 shows a Monteggia fracture: a displaced fracture of the proximal ulna (short arrow) associated with dislocation of the radial head (long arrow). This case illustrates the...
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