Case study 2Mr RC, 84 years of age, presented to the emergency department with a painful, red right eye of 24 hours duration associated with decreased vision. He had received an intravitreal...
Figure 1. Right fundus photoFigure 2. Left fundus photoQuestion 1Describe the fundus findings.Question 2What dilating drops would you use to perform a dilated fundus examination? What precautions...
CaseJoe, 66 years of age, was referred with a 2-week history of a right upper eyelid abnormality. He complained of associated diplopia initially, but this subjectively improved after a few days as...
Case studyBert, aged 80 years, presented to his general practitioner with sudden, painless loss of vision in his right eye 2 hours prior. He was an insulin-dependant type 2 diabetic, with a history...
Diabetic retinopathy is a significant cause of vision impairment and is predicted to become an increasingly large global public health problem. Diabetic retinopathy often affects those of working...
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