Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician


The joy of life

January-February Vol 46 (1) 1-80


Healthy living

Garry Egger

Let's talk about sex

Raie Goodwach

Enjoying a healthy pregnancy: GPs’ essential role in health promotion

Yvonne Hauck, Jacqueline Frayne

Healthy ageing

Jane Sims

Up front

Editorial: The joy of life

Stephen A Margolis

Letters to the editor


Trans-oral robotic surgery in oropharyngeal carcinoma – A guide for general practitioners and patients

Jonathan Clark, Joe Jabbour, Wendy Sijia Liu, Alex Limmer

Persistent suppression of viral load in chronic hepatitis B

Lester Mascarenhas, Leonie Sutton

Laryngopharyngeal reflux: A confounding cause of aerodigestive dysfunction

Kristy Fraser-Kirk

A pruritic vesicular rash

Ana Baptista, Sofia Madanelo, Paulo Morais

Multiple hyperpigmented patches on a dark-skinned patient

Elisabeth Gómez Moyano, Leandro Martínez Pilar, Silvestre Martinez Garcia, Sara Simonsen

Oxycodone/naloxone: An unusual adverse drug reaction

Fiona Lau, Matthew Gardiner


Audit and feedback by medical students to improve the preventive care practices of general practice supervisors

Lucy A Gilkes, Helena Liira, Jon Emery

Palliative care in general practice: GP integration in caring for patients with advanced cancer

Jennifer Philip, Cuong Duong, Sita Vij, Fiona McCormack, Brian Le, Peter Eastman

An Australian discharge summary quality assessment tool: A pilot study

Warren Rich, Carl Mahfouz, Andrew Bonney, Judy Mullan

Young people have their say: What makes a youth-friendly general practice?

Penny Allen, Colleen Cheek, Jane Cooper, Julian Chang, Laura Turner, Leah Spencer, Jack Strugnell, Isabel Di Tommaso, Magella Tate


Naevus or melanoma? An inadequate paradigm for a small number of clinically important lesions

Benjamin Andrew Wood, Nathan Tobias Harvey

Back pages

Book review

Clinical Challenge


Australian Family Physician RACGP

Printed from Australian Family Physician - https://www.racgp.org.au/afp/2017/january-february
© The Australian College of General Practitioners www.racgp.org.au