Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician


Ear, nose and throat

June Vol 45 (6) 357–452
AFP > 2016 > June


General practice antibiotic prescribing for management of otitis media in children

Lisa Valenti, Graeme C Miller, Joan Henderson

Diagnosis and management of hearing loss in elderly patients

Nga T Phan, Jo-Lyn McKenzie, Lisa Huang, Bernard Whitfield, Andrew Chang

Implantable hearing devices – An update

Grace Kirkby-Strachan, Christopher Que-Hee


Samuel Morcom, Nicholas Phillips, Andrew Pastuszek, Daniel Timperley

Hoarseness: An approach for the general practitioner

Lauren N Cooper, Rachele A Quested

Up front

Editorial: Medical taxonomy meets the upper respiratory tract

Stephen A Margolis


More than meets the (painful red) eye

Amali F Navaratna, Alannah Walsh, Parker Magin

Topical corticosteroid addiction and withdrawal – An overview for GPs

Belinda Sheary

The safety of nanoparticles in sunscreens: An update for general practice

Penelope C McSweeney

Towards appropriate imaging: Tips for practice

Richard M Mendelson, Brett D Montgomery

A GP primer to understanding biopsy reports of the lower gastrointestinal tract

Marjorie M Walker, Angela K Harris, Georgia C Edwards, Nicholas J Talley

Type 2 diabetes mellitus in children and adolescents

Kung-Ting Kao, Matthew A Sabin


The uptake of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health assessments fails to improve in some areas

Heike Schütze, Lisa Jackson Pulver, Mark Harris

Safe and effective cultural mentorship in general practice

John Furler, Siaw-Teng Liaw, Vicki Wade, Phyllis Lau, Iqbal Hasan

Shared medical appointments for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men

John Dixon, Garry Egger, John A Stevens, Andrew Binns, Bob Morgan, Jeff Richardson


Responding to registrars’ in-consultation calls for assistance: Practical implications from the ReCeNT project

Simon Morgan, Amanda Tapley, Neil A Spike, Susan M Wearne, Parker Magin, Cathy Regan, Lawrie McArthur

The Victorian Metropolitan Alliance’s Education Enhancement program: A reflection

George Zaharias

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Clinical challenge


Australian Family Physician RACGP

Printed from Australian Family Physician - https://www.racgp.org.au/afp/2016/june
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