Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician


Patients and technology

December Vol 43 (12) 817–896


Technology in practice – GP computer use by age

Julie Gordon, Graeme C Miller, Joan Henderson, Allan J Pollack

eMental health for mood and anxiety disorders in general practice

Jan Orman, Judith Proudfoot, Bridianne O’Dea, Fiona Shand, Michael Berk, Helen Christensen

The broadband-enabled innovation program: a working demonstration of the effective use of technology in community-based patient care

Carolyn Towers, Mathew Tyler

Digital technologies and chronic disease management

Michael Georgeff

We can manage depression better with technology

Gavin Andrews

Up front

Editorial: Patients and technology: improving access to healthcare

Sarah Mansfield

Letters to the editor


A rare cause of petechial rash in the 21st century

Celestine Wong, Georgina Lyons, Jenny Nicolopoulos, George Varigos

Progressive rash in a migrant

Michelle Tan, Catherine McKay, Monisha Gupta

New oral anticoagulants and perioperative management of anticoagulant/antiplatelet agents

Atifur Rahman, Jilani Latona

Unusual locations of lipoma: differential diagnosis of head and neck mass

Kyung Soo Kim, Hoon Shik Yang

An uncommon cause of severe chest pain

Yazmin Johari Halim Shah, Wan Jie Yick


How confident are general practitioners in teaching medical students about ethical issues on general practice placements?

Nancy J Sturman, Nargess Saiepour

Patient use of the internet for health information

Christopher Harrison, Helena Britt, Joan Henderson, Carmen Wong


Patients’ use of social media: e-rating of doctors

Sara Bird

GP supervisors assessing GP registrars – theory and practice

Susan M Wearne, James Brown


Telehealth: the specialist perspective

James Muir

Telehealth: the general practice perspective

Ewen McPhee

Back pages

AFP reviewers

Clinical Challenge


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