Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician



August Vol 41 (8) 545-640


Orders for thyroid function tests

Lisa Valenti, Clare Bayram, Helena Britt


Michelle So, Richard J MacIsaac, Mathis Grossmann

Evaluating and managing patients with thyrotoxicosis

Kirsten Campbell, Matthew Doogue


Kiernan Hughes, Creswell Eastman

Thyroid disease in the perinatal period

Simon Forehan

Up front

Forty-two and other numbers

Kath O’Connor

Letters to the editor


Thyroid scans

Joseph C Lee, Frederick A Khafagi, Ann M Harris

Thyroid therapy

Patrick J Phillips

The recovery paradigm

David W Best, Dan I Lubman

Gastric distension

Ching-Siang Cheng, John Hack

Retroauricular cutaneous advancement flap

Peter Kim, Kwan Stephen Lee

Progressive rash

Michelle Papandony, Stuart Anderson


Case conferences in palliative care

David C Currow, Tania M Shelby-James, Phyllis Butow, Graydon Davison

When death is imminent

Steven Doherty, Amanda Gaw, Philip Hungerford, Jenny May

Potential roles for practice nurses in preventive care for young people

Lena Sanci, Caroline Hart, Rhian Parker, Kelsey Hegarty, Elizabeth Patterson


A is for aphorism

Jane Smith

Cape York Paediatric Outreach Clinic

Jason Agostino, Richard Heazlewood, Alan Ruben

Avoiding ‘consultation interruptus’

Gerard Ingham

Urban community based medical education

Julie Ash, Lucie Walters, Sarah Mahoney

Back pages

Book reviews

Clinical Challenge

Sophia Samuel



Dr Kirsten Campbell discusses the evaluation and management of thyrotoxicosis


Dr Michelle So discusses the aetiology, clinical features, investigation and management of hypothyroidism


Dr Kiernan Hughes discusses the causes, investigation and management of goitre in the general practice setting

Thyroid conditions in pregnancy

Dr Simon Forehan discusses the detection and management of thyroid conditions in pregnancy


Australian Family Physician RACGP

Printed from Australian Family Physician - https://www.racgp.org.au/afp/2012/august
© The Australian College of General Practitioners www.racgp.org.au