Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician


Mental illness

November Vol 44 (11) 769-864


Comorbidities and risk factors among patients with schizophrenia

Christopher Harrison, Helena Britt, Janice Charles

Management of mental ill health in people with autism spectrum disorder

Julian N Trollor, Kitty-Rose Foley

Gender dysphoria

Sean R Atkinson, Darren Russell

Body dysmorphic disorder in men

Andrea Phillipou, David Castle

Up front

People with psychological disorders: Moving outside the comfort zone

Kate Thornton

Letters to the editor


Nailfold dermatoscopy in general practice

Darryn Rennie

Non-resolving eye injury

Jenny Xue Tian

An uncommon cause for a unilateral pleural effusion: Rheumatoid pleuritis

Yogeesan Sivakumaran, Alice MacDonald Cottee, Soo Wei Foo

Should naltrexone be the first-line medicine to treat alcohol dependence in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations? An Australian perspective

Rowena Ivers, Jonathan Brett, Michael Doyle, Leanne Lawrence, Kate Conigrave


Female genital cosmetic surgery: Investigating the role of the general practitioner

Meredith Temple-Smith, Tristan Harding, Jenny Hayes, Magdalena Simonis

Patients want to know about the ‘cardiac blues’

Barbara M Murphy, Rosemary O Higgins, Alun C Jackson, John Edington, Anthony Jackson, Marian U Worcester

Alcohol enquiry by GPs – Understanding patients’ perspectives: A qualitative study

Chun Wah Michael Tam, Nicholas Zwar, Charlotte Hespe, Louis Leong

Fertility-awareness knowledge, attitudes and practices of women attending general practice

Danielle Mazza, Kerry Hampton


General practice ethics: Continuing medical education and the pharmaceutical industry

Wendy Rogers, Annette Braunack-Mayer, Yishai Mintzker

Vaccination and the law

Rachael Heath Jeffery

Food insecurity in Australia: Implications for general practitioners

Rebecca Lindberg, Mark Lawrence, Lisa Gold, Sharon Friel, Olivia Pegram

Towards an educational continuing professional development (EdCPD) curriculum for Australian general practice supervisors

Simon Morgan, Susan M Wearne, Gerard Ingham, Lawrie McArthur, Tony Saltis, Rosa Canalese


Chronic schizophrenia and the role of the general practitioner

Judy Hope, Nicholas Keks

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Clinical Challenge


Australian Family Physician RACGP

Printed from Australian Family Physician - https://www.racgp.org.au/afp/2015/november
© The Australian College of General Practitioners www.racgp.org.au