Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician


Chest pain

November Vol 46 (11) 801-880



Atifur Rahman, Avadhesh Saraswat

Pulmonary embolism: An update

Steven Doherty

Troponin testing in the primary care setting

Manuela S Mauro, Adam J Nelson, Michael B Stokes

Up front

Editorial: A Bayesian approach to chest pain?

Stephen A Margolis

Letters to the editor


Diverticular disease practice points

William McSweeney, Havish Srinath

Early detection of eating disorders in general practice

Elizabeth Rowe

Painful bilateral lower limb swelling in an elderly female

Linda Chan, Kenneth Lee, David Cook

Unilateral diffuse lung opacification in an asymptomatic woman

Rumi R Khajotia, Sree Raman

Osteosarcopenia: A new geriatric syndrome

Ebrahim Bani Hassan, Gustavo Duque

A non-healing ulcer in a healthy young woman

Michael J Loftus, Robert J Gates, Simon Crouch, Brett Sutton, Paul DR Johnson


The challenge of liver cancer surveillance in general practice: Do recall and reminder systems hold the answer?

Tracey Cabrie, Emily Wheeler, Jacqui Richmond, Jennifer MacLachlan, John Furler, Benjamin Cowie, Nicole Allard, Jon Emery

Patients’ attitudes towards chaperone use for intimate physical examinations in general practice

Lucie Stanford, Warren Rich, Andrew Bonney, Judy Mullan, Rowena Ivers, Bridget Dijkmans-Hadley

Back pages

Book Review

Clinical Challenge


Australian Family Physician RACGP

Printed from Australian Family Physician - https://www.racgp.org.au/afp/2017/november
© The Australian College of General Practitioners www.racgp.org.au