Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician


Nursing home patients

April Vol 44 (4) 161-256
AFP > 2015 > April


General practice encounters with patients living in residential aged care facilities

Christopher Harrison, Julie Gordon, Graeme C Miller

Models of general practitioner services in residential aged care facilities

Richard L Reed

Minimising psychotropic use for behavioural disturbance in residential aged care

Samantha M Loi, Alissa Westphal, David Ames, Nicola T Lautenschlager

Pain management in residential aged care facilities

Steven Savvas, Stephen Gibson

CARE-PACT: a new paradigm of care for acutely unwell residents in aged care facilities

Ellen Burkett, Ian Scott

Advance care directives in residential aged care

I Anne Leditshke, Therese Crispin, Jill Bestic

Antibiotic use in residential aged care facilities

Ching Jou Lim, Rhonda L Stuart, David CM Kong

Up front

Editorial: Nursing home patients

Margaret McCartney

Letters to the editor


Septic arthritis in children

Christopher Wall, Leo Donnan

Sporotrichosis outbreak and mouldy hay in NSW

Deeksha Dhingra, David Durrheim, Philippe Porigneaux

A young boy with an interesting skin condition: a case study

Hugh Le Lievre, Louise Baker

The current status of MRI in prostate cancer

Kesley Pedler, Yu Xuan Kitzing, Celi Varol, Mohan Arianayagam

Diagnosis of type 1 diabetes mellitus in adulthood – a case report

Ashraf Saleh


Understanding, benefits and difficulties of home medicines review – patients’ perspectives

Julie Ahn, Ji Eun Park, Christina Anthony, Michael Burke

Are GP supervisors confident they can assess registrar competence and safety, and what methods do they use?

Simon Morgan, Gerard Ingham, Jennifer Fry, Leigh Kinsman

Retrospective audit of postnatal attendance for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women attending a community-controlled health service in north Queensland

Lisa Oliver, Michael Wood, Ciaran Frawley, Jacqueline Almond, Sarah Larkins

Back pages

Clinical challenge


Australian Family Physician RACGP

Printed from Australian Family Physician - https://www.racgp.org.au/afp/2015/april
© The Australian College of General Practitioners www.racgp.org.au