Lisa Valenti,
Helena Britt,
Janice Charles
Prem Rashid,
Ranjan Arianayagam,
Mohan Arianayagam
Gillian Duchesne
Finlay Macneil,
Simon Bariol
Kantha Rao,
Peter L Royce
Up front
Kath O’Connor
Leonard Bonacquisto
Sadiq Jamali
Atifur Rahman,
David Liu
Rowan Gillies,
Peter Scougall,
Sean Nicklin
Manuel Galán-Gutierrez,
Ricardo Ruiz-Villaverde
Yohanes Ariathianto
Mieke van Driel
Malcolm Gillies,
Svetla Gadzhanova,
Elizabeth Roughead,
Yeqin Zuo
Caroline Laurence,
Adrienne Burchard,
Nigel Stocks
David Bolzonello,
Carolyn O’Shea
Bettina Christl,
Jane Lloyd,
Yordanka Krastev,
John Litt,
Mark F Harris
Klaus Stelter,
Silvana Marangoni
Tom Brett,
Diane Arnold-Reed,
Cam Phan,
Frank Jones
Back pages
Nyoli Valentine,
Carolyn O’Shea
Diagnosis and uncertainty in the GP consultation
Dr Louise Stone discusses diagnosis and uncertainty in the GP consultation including understanding the patient’s unique experience of illness and their psychosocial context.
Assisted reproductive technology
Dr Kate Stern discusses assisted reproductive technology focussing on important points for general practitioners as well as bringing us up to date with recent developments, particularly in the area of fertility preservation.
Management of cardiovascular risk
Professor Jenny Doust guides us through her recent research study comparing management of cardiovascular risk using individual risk factors compared to the absolute cardiovascular risk approach.
Contraceptive management
Dr Katrina Allen shares her experiences with contraceptive management particularly in young women, with a focus on long-acting reversible contraceptive methods and some practical suggestions for managing commonly encountered issues.