Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician


Current issues in alcohol

August Vol 40 (8) 553-648


Binge drinking

Lisa Valenti, Graeme C Miller, Janice Charles

Problem drinking

Katherine Conigrave, Apo Demirkol, Paul Haber

Problem drinking

Katherine Conigrave, Apo Demirkol, Paul Haber

Risky drinking among young Australians

Sarah MacLean, Dan I Lubman, Amy Pennay

Alcoholic liver disease

Anne E Duggan, John M Duggan

Up front

Risks and comedy

Kath O’Connor

Letters to the editor


Ambulatory electrocardiographic monitoring

Alex McLellan, Uwais Mohamed

Asymptomatic hilar nodules

Chih-Chung Shiao, Jsun-Liang Kao, Fong-Fong Tsai, Hwei-Mei Tai, Kuo-Chin Chiu

Not just another sore throat

Michael Lovegrove, Karen Broadbent

Green concretions on the left axillae

Manuel Galán-Gutierrez, Daniel Sánchez-Cano, Ricardo Ruiz-Villaverde

Odorous vaginal discharge

Geta Cernat, Lawrence Leung


Insulin in general practice

John Furler, Doris Young, Ondine Spitzer, James Best D Best

Data extraction and feedback

Mary Saunders, Leslie Stanger, Michele Speak, Kate Russo, Peter Schattner


Understanding insurance

Isaac Seidl

Designing practices

Ian Watts, Brendan Jones

Heatwaves and the elderly

Craig Veitch, Leigh Wilson, Deborah Black


Improving clinical decision support tools

Michelle Sweidan, James Reeve, Jonathan Dartnell, Stephen Phillips

Patient information

Patient information

Rachel Lee

Research Viewpoint

The Inverse Care Law

Tom Brett

Back pages

Book reviews

Clinical challenge

Nyoli Valentine



Dr Kirsten Campbell discusses the evaluation and management of thyrotoxicosis


Dr Michelle So discusses the aetiology, clinical features, investigation and management of hypothyroidism


Dr Kiernan Hughes discusses the causes, investigation and management of goitre in the general practice setting

Thyroid conditions in pregnancy

Dr Simon Forehan discusses the detection and management of thyroid conditions in pregnancy


Australian Family Physician RACGP

Printed from Australian Family Physician - https://www.racgp.org.au/afp/2011/august
© The Australian College of General Practitioners www.racgp.org.au