Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician


Volume 39, Issue 5, May 2010

Asthma Cycle of Care attendance Overcoming therapeutic inertia using an asthma clinic

Margaret Crawford Patrick D Byrnes Colleen McGoldrick
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The prevalence of asthma is high in Australia. Despite national guidelines recommending the use of an Asthma Action Plan only 22.5% of people with asthma had a plan in 2004–2005.
Opportunistic recruitment addressing therapeutic inertia combined with recall may be more effective than active recruitment via telephone.
Completion of an annual Asthma Cycle of Care increased from a baseline of 30% (preclinic starting) to 38% at year 1, 64% at year 2, fell back to 45% at year 3, and rose to 59% at end year 4, with nearly all cycles of care being completed via the asthma clinic.

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Printed from Australian Family Physician - https://www.racgp.org.au/afp/2010/may/asthma-cycle-of-care-attendance-overcoming-therape
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