Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician


Childhood emergencies

May Vol 39 (5) 257-352
AFP > 2010 > May



Helena Britt, Salma Fahridin, Janice Charles

Assessment of the unwell child

Adriana Yock Corrales, Mike Starr

Meningococcal sepsis

Shabna Rajapaksa, Mike Starr


Shabna Rajapaksa, Mike Starr

Minor head injuries in children

Carl Luckoff, Mike Starr

Type 1 diabetes in children

Susan O’Connell, Aris Siafarikas

Up front

Letters to the editor


Bacterial cystitis in women

Prem Rashid, Amanda Chung, Mohan Arianayagam

Erectile dysfunction – when tablets don’t work

Prem Rashid, Nicholas McLeod, Ian A R Smith

Circadian rhythms and depression

Erin Barriball, Philip Boyce


Aspirin, flu and general practice research

Jenni Parsons

Epicentre of influenza

Tania Winzenberg, Kelly A Shaw, Jenny Bocquet

Asthma Cycle of Care attendance

Colleen McGoldrick, Patrick D Byrnes, Margaret Crawford

Patient initiated aggression and violence in Australian general practice

Rhian Parker, Laura Forrest, Hagen Tuschke, Kelsey Hegarty


Hilton Koppe

Failure to diagnose: brain tumour

Sara Bird

Genomics and general practice: the next 10 years

Lawrence Leung


Christine Sanderson, Jennifer Tieman

Tips from the toolkit: 4

Neville Steer

Two HEADSSS are better than one

Hilton Koppe


General practice research

Mieke van Driel, Parker J Magin, Marie Pirotta, Emily Farrell

AFP in practice

AFP in Practice

Carolyn O’Shea

Back pages

Clinical challenge

Deepa Daniel


Gastro-oesophageal reflux in children – what’s the worry?

Associate Professor Katie Allen is a paediatric gastroenterologist and allergist who discusses reflux in the infant and the role of cows milk protein allergy

Management of hypertension in general practice – a qualitative needs assessment of Australian GPs

Faline Howes as a GP and researcher who discusses her research into what GPs think is needed to help improve the systematic management of hypertension

The 6 week check – an opportunity for continuity of care

Dr Michael Fasher is a GP who discusses the '6 week check' - suggesting an approach and some common issues


Australian Family Physician RACGP

Printed from Australian Family Physician - https://www.racgp.org.au/afp/2010/may
© The Australian College of General Practitioners www.racgp.org.au