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Our Woven Ways: Supporting goal setting with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents Members login for free access About RACGP online events


Type: On-demand
Recorded: 25 Jul 2024


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Our Woven Ways: Supporting goal setting with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents

On-demand recorded 25 Jul 2024

Continuing on with the case study explored in the third webinar of this series, Our Woven Ways: Uncovering the worries of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents, this webinar will examine ways to support goal setting with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents through culturally safe practice.

The practice skills in this demonstration show how professionals can become interested in the stories of hope and resilience in the stories of parents, which help to build confidence and motivation. These skills build trust and collaboration and help parents to describe their plans to make change in ways that will support their child’s social and emotional wellbeing.

In meaningful goal setting, GPs can listen to the ideas and know-how of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parents as a basis for making change. This supports the assumption that parents come with histories of doing their best for their children and that they are capable of setting and reaching goals which best support their children. It also ensures that mainstream practice avoids culturally biased or prejudiced practice.


Learning outcomes

  1. Identify parents’ motivators for change, including strengths, skills, other people, hopes and dreams that parents have for their children
  2. Review parents’ histories of goal setting in ways that have supported their child
  3. Connect parents’ goals with their personal values and their hopes for their child

This event is part of Emerging Minds webinar series 2024. Events in this series are:


Dana Shen
Director, DS Consulting

Dana is Aboriginal/Chinese and a descendant of the Ngarrindjeri people in South Australia and has a passion for working with Aboriginal people and communities. Dana has over 20 years’ experience working across the public and not for profit sectors in the areas of health, families and child protection. Through her consultancy work, Dana specialises in working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and communities, social services and those with lived experience to create change and improve services.


Dr Tim Jones
Chair, RACGP Specific Interests Child and Young Person's Health

Dr Tim Jones is a GP with an interest in child and infant health. He is passionate about supporting parents and families in a holistic manner. His clinical areas of interest include infant feeding and settling support, primary care led childhood learning and behavioural assistance, and eating disorder management. Tim works at Glebe Hill Family Practice Hobart, as a senior medical educator with the RACGP and provides developmental and behavioural services for the Tasmanian Health Service.

Judith Lovegrove
Indigenous Governance and Engagement Lead, Menzies School of Health Research – Mental Health ‘Stay Strong' team

Judith Lovegrove is a Ngarrindjeri woman with cultural connections across South Australia with Wirangu, Kaurna and Narungga nations.. Judith has extensive experience working with children, young people and adults in different capacities including therapeutic counselling and intensive family-based support with a focus on child protection, family preservation and early intervention. She has held several roles in both government and non-government organisations. Judith has contributed to many national, state, and local initiatives that work towards closing the gap empowering Aboriginal people and voices, with an emphasis of improving culturally responsive service delivery for organisations and departments. Judith holds qualifications in psychology and is a media spokesperson for the Centre of Best Practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention.

Shirley Young

Shirley Young is an Aboriginal woman descending from the Nukunu people in South Australia. She is the proud mother of two children and the Director of Two Worlds Consultancy and co-director of Endless Eden. She has worked in various Public Service organisations over a span of 24 years in portfolios such as Health, Child Protection and Child and Adolescent Mental Health. For the last five years she has been running a private practice called Two Worlds Consultancy that contracts services for reunification, provides therapeutic support to children in Out of Home Care, providing supervision to staff in government and non-government organisations, contracting services to the NDIS sector, delivering corporate training and development packages, and lecturing to university Social Work students on a variety of topics.

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