Supporting smoking cessation: A guide for health professionals

Figures and tables

Last revised: 29 Sep 2021

Chapter figures and tables

Figures and tables from each chapter are available to view or download below.

 Comparison of USPSTF and GRADE recommendation descriptors

Table 1

Comparison of USPSTF and GRADE recommendation descriptors


A summary of the recommendations
Figure 1.1

Figure 1.1

Health effects of smoking 
The effects of quitting over time

Figure 1.2

The effects of quitting over time
 Beliefs and barriers raised by health professionals to offering smoking cessation advice

Table 1.1

Beliefs and barriers raised by health professionals to offering smoking cessation advice
Three-step brief intervention – Ask, Advise, Help

Figure 1.3

Three-step brief intervention – Ask, Advise, Help 
5As structure for smoking cessation

Figure 1.4

5As structure for smoking cessation
Attitudes and barriers to quitting

Table 1.2

Attitudes and barriers to quitting
Drug interactions with smoking

Table 1.3

Drug interactions with smoking
Long-term abstinence rates by treatment method

Figure 2.1

Long-term abstinence rates by treatment method16 

Pharmacotherapy treatment algorithm

Figure 2.2

Pharmacotherapy treatment algorithm
NRT initial dosage guideline

Figure 2.3

NRT initial dosage guideline24 

Practical tips to assist quitting and staying quit 

Table 3.1

Practical tips to assist quitting and staying quit 
