Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician



Susan M Wearne

Email: susan.wearne@gpet.com.au
BM MMedSc FRACGP FACRRM DCH DRCOG DFFP GCTEd, Supervisor Research and Development Adviser, General Practice Education and Training, Canberra, ACT.

Educating registrars in your practice

A general practice registrar thanked us for teaching her so much during her time at our practice. Her gratitude extended beyond her supervisors to the reception staff, practice nurse and manager...

GP supervisors assessing GP registrars – theory and practice

Table 1. General practice colleges standards for supervisorsAustralian College of Rural and Remote Medicine17.2.7 The supervisor must conduct formative assessment of the registrar, in accordance...

Responding to registrars’ in-consultation calls for assistance: Practical implications from the ReCeNT project

General practice supervisors oversee general practice registrars1 as they work and learn in practice.2 During consultations, registrars are expected to identify and address gaps in their knowledge...

Teaching procedural skills in general practice

General practitioners need the skills to perform a core set of procedures. The increase in community based medical education gives GPs more opportunity and responsibility to facilitate medical...

Towards an educational continuing professional development (EdCPD) curriculum for Australian general practice supervisors

Supervision has been defined as ‘the provision of guidance and feedback on matters of personal, professional and educational development in the context of a trainee’s experience of providing safe...

Where are they now? The career paths of the Remote Vocational Training Scheme registrars

The Remote Vocational Training Scheme trains doctors in remote communities using distance education and supervision.


Australian Family Physician RACGP

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