Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician



Nicholas J Talley

(at time of publication)

Chun Wah Michael Tam

BSc (Med) MBBS MMH (GP) FRACGP, Staff Specialist in General Practice, General Practice Unit, South Western Sydney Local Health District; Conjoint Senior Lecturer, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW; RACGP National Research and Evaluation Ethics Committee, NSW. (at time of publication)

Julius Tamangani

(at time of publication)

Amelia Tan

(at time of publication)

Melissa Tan

MBBS, BMedSci, MPH, is Publications Fellow at Australian Family Physician, an academic general practice registrar at The University of Melbourne and general practice registrar in Sunbury, Victoria (at time of publication)

Meng Tan

MBBS, BSc, FRACP, Neurologist, Department of Neurology, Royal Melbourne Hospital; Department of Medicine, The University of Melbourne, VIC. (at time of publication)

Michelle Tan

BMedSc, MBBS, FRACGP, DCH, DPD (Cardiff), General Practitioner, Crows Nest Medical Practice, Crows Nest, NSW (at time of publication)

Eleanor Tan

MPH, BBiomedSc, is a research assistant, Department of General Practice, University of Melbourne, Victoria. (at time of publication)

Heather Tan

PhD, MGrief&PCCouns, BSc, GradDipEd, CCPE, is Research Fellow, Palliative Care Research Team, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria (at time of publication)

George Wen-Gin Tang

BMed, GradDipHPE, MHA, FRACGP, is a general practitioner and Conjoint Senior Lecturer, University of New South Wales (at time of publication)


Australian Family Physician RACGP

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