Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician



Christine Phillips

MBBS, MA, MPH, FRACGP, is Associate Professor, Academic Unit of General Practice and Community Health, Medical School, Australian National University, Canberra Australian Capital Territory

Beyond resettlement: long-term care for people who have had refugee-like experiences

Refugees are generally very resilient; however, GPs looking after people who have had refugee-like experiences should be aware of the psychological impost exacted by their experiences, consequences...

Complementary and alternative medicine Representations in popular magazines

More than half the patients who use complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) in Australia do not discuss it with their doctors. Many consumers use popular media, especially women’s...

Low levels of vitamin B12 can persist in the early resettlement of refugees: symptoms, screening and monitoring

Approximately 13,750 refugees come to Australia from resource-poor and war-torn countries each year.1 Recent national and international studies have reported high levels of vitamin B12 (B12...

Proof of age required Estimating age in adults without birth records

Many adults from refugee source countries do not have documents of birth, either because they have been lost in flight, or because the civil infrastructure is too fragile to support routine...

Telephone interpreters in general practice Bridging the barriers to their use

Although the Australian Translating and Interpreting Service offers the world’s largest free telephone health interpreter service, it remains underused. This study explores barriers for...

Using interpreters A guide for GPs

Australia is one of the most multilingual countries in the world. In their working lives, all doctors will need to communicate with patients whose languages they do not speak.


Australian Family Physician RACGP

Printed from Australian Family Physician - https://www.racgp.org.au/afp/authorslist/p/christine-phillips
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