Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician



Carolyn O’Shea

MBBS, FRACGP, MMed, is Senior Medical Educator, Victorian Metropolitan Alliance and a general practitioner, Greensborough, Victoria.

Bad questions?

Questions – good or bad – are core to the business of a clinical consultation. Too often I start the consult badly by asking the patient – en route to the consulting room – ‘how are you?’ Each time...

Balancing on the tightrope

Omission is easier to identify. Patients may ask, or more formal processes, such as clinical audit and guidelines, might provide clues. When considering possible omissions in the specific, there...

Bones and other challenges

The issues clinicians and health systems grapple with can be summarised in the microcosm of osteoporosis. There are lifestyle elements. There are changes in messages over time which can struggle to...

Diagnosis From gold to shades of grey

Diagnosis is something I now view very differently. It is often far more complicated. Sometimes the child falls, cries, the x-ray tells you the diagnosis is a fracture and plaster follows. It can...

Maps and arterial roads

Ideally a health system functions to get the right patient, the right treatment at the right time. Again, it all sounds simple. However, we all have experiences in our clinic that do not follow the...

Motor accident insurance authority forms A guide for GPs

In each jurisdiction of Australia there is a system to provide appropriate compensation for persons who are injured or die as a result of a transport accident. The schemes are compulsory and...

Reflection, resolutions and renewal

Media over the holiday period suggested many resolutions involving lifestyle change: exercising more, having a healthier diet, weight loss, stopping smoking or drinking less alcohol – all every day...

Your new year with AFP

2013 brings many new things to, and changes for, Australian Family Physician. The first is the significant upgrade to our website (launched toward the end of 2012). The upgraded website has a new...


Australian Family Physician RACGP

Printed from Australian Family Physician - https://www.racgp.org.au/afp/authorslist/o/carolyn-o-shea
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