We have previously reported on the viability of shared medical appointments (SMAs) or group visits in an Australia context to better support the demands of the rise in chronic diseases.2 SMAs are...
What is healthy living?The term ‘healthy living’ conjures up different images for different individuals. For some, it is a healthy diet and within this, perhaps, is restricted sugar, fat, salt or...
Lifestyle principles have been advocated for the promotion of health and prevention of disease since antiquity. More than 2000 years ago, Hippocrates asserted, ‘Let food be thy medicine and...
We have previously discussed the potential of shared medical appointments (SMAs) and their possible acceptability among patients and providers.1,2 SMAs (also known as group visits) are...
Primary care consultations have traditionally occurred in a one-on-one situation between clinician and patient. This is appropriate for acute disease and injury, but may not be optimal for chronic...
The National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2013–2023 (the Plan)1 established the overarching health goal of ‘achieving equality of health status and life expectancy between...
Printed from Australian Family Physician -© The Australian College of General Practitioners