Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician


Common problems in school-aged children

December Vol 46 (12) 881-960


Acne in adolescents

Kurt Gebauer

Eczema management in school-aged children

Liz Leins, David Orchard

Depression in children

Julian Charles, Mandana Fazeli

Childhood constipation

Michelle Waterham, Jonathan Kaufman, Susan Gibb

Growth disorders in adolescents

Tashunka Taylor-Miller, Peter J Simm

Up front

Editorial: What is ‘normal’ in general practice?

Sarah Mansfield

Editorial: ICAN established by Australian doctors awarded Nobel Peace Prize

Margaret Beavis



Management of bariatric patients beyond the scalpel

Natasha Yates, Victor Liew, Jean-Mari Mouton, Jenne Turner, Amanda White, Jack Smith


The Australian Mid-West Coastal Marine Wound Infections Study

Andy Foote, Robert Henderson, Andrew Lindberg, Carolyn Grigg, Charlie Greenfield, Andrew B Kirke, Kirsten Auret

A mixed-methods feasibility study of routinely weighing patients in general practice to aid weight management

Andrew Bonney, Bridget Dijkmans-Hadley, Duncan MacKinnon, Stephen Barnett, Darren J Mayne, Karen Charlton

Psychological distress and risky sexual behaviours among women aged 16–25 years in Victoria, Australia

Nhuong T Nguyen, Asvini K Subasinghe, John D Wark, Nicola Reavley, Suzanne M Garland

Understanding the decision to commence a dose administration aid

Elsa Barton, Lydia Twining, Lucie Walters


You should get that mole checked out: Ethical and legal considerations of the unsolicited clinical opinion

Nikki R Adler, Patrick D Mahar, John W Kelly

Occupational violence and staff safety in general practice

Steven Moylan

Back pages

AFP reviewers 2017

Clinical challenge


Australian Family Physician RACGP

Printed from Australian Family Physician - https://www.racgp.org.au/afp/2017/december
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