Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician


After the event

November Vol 43 (11) 737-816


PTSD – an update for general practitioners

John Cooper, Olivia Metcalf, Andrea Phelps

Post-traumatic stress disorder in veterans

Christopher Harrison, Helena Britt, Janice Charles

Beyond resettlement: long-term care for people who have had refugee-like experiences

Christine Phillips

Family violence across the life cycle

Kelsey Hegarty, Kirsty Forsdike-Young, Laura Tarzia, Elizabeth Hindmarsh

Traumatic brain injury – support for injured people and their carers

Jagnoor Jagnoor, Ian D Cameron

Up front

Editorial: Picking up the pieces

Sarah Metcalfe

Letters to the editor


Decreased fetal movements: a practical approach in a primary care setting

Zanna Franks, Rachael Nightingale

Missed diagnosis of Sturge-Weber syndrome: sequelae in adulthood

Lisa Marks, Hema Shankar

Cutaneous manifestation of visceral malignancy: a case study

Ranjan Gupta

Whitish nodules on the fingers

Paulo Morais, Eliana Bonifácio, Ana Manuela Rocha, Joana Silva

Approach to low back pain – exercise physiology

John Booth


Diabetes clinic attendance improves diabetes management in an urban Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population

Frederick Chung, Ana Herceg, Marianne Bookallil

A user assessment of the potential for shared medical appointments in Australia

John Dixon, Garry Egger, John A Stevens, Andrew Binns, Mary-Anne Cole

GP supervisors – an investigation into their motivations and teaching activities

Gerard Ingham, Jennifer Fry, Peter O’Meara, Natalie Crothers


How to write a medico-legal report

Sara Bird

Back pages

Book Reviews

Clinical Challenge


Australian Family Physician RACGP

Printed from Australian Family Physician - https://www.racgp.org.au/afp/2014/november
© The Australian College of General Practitioners www.racgp.org.au