Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician


Growing epidemics

August Vol 42 (8) 513–592


Gestational diabetes

Christopher Harrison, Clare Bayram, Helena Britt

The metabolic syndrome

Mark F Harris

Gestational diabetes mellitus

Alison Nankervis, Jennifer Conn


John B Dixon, Mariee Grima

Chronic stress

Christopher Hogan

Up front

History lessons

Sarah Metcalfe

Letters to the editor


The bariatric surgery patient

Caroline Shannon, Ashlee Gervasoni, Trudy Williams

What does an elevated troponin mean?

Bo Xu, Andrew I MacIsaac

Acute breathlessness

Rumi R Khajotia, Nalini Somaweera

Myocardial perfusion scans

Joseph C Lee, Malcolm J West, Frederick A Khafagi

Consider HIV

Charlotte Bell, Russell Waddell, Nicola Chynoweth

Sweet solutions for procedural pain in infants

Handbook of Non Drug Intervention (HANDI) Project Team

A young man with weight loss and lymphadenopathy

Adam Morton


Managing chronic disease

Leon Piterman, Kay M Jones, Ruby Biezen

Predictors of uptake of influenza vaccination

Silje E Taksdal, Sarah Joyce, Stephania Tomlin, Dale Carcione, Paul K Armstrong, Donna B Mak, Paul V Effler


A is for aphorism

Rebecca Farley

Back pages

Clinical challenge

Melissa Tan


Obesity in general practice

Professor John Dixon discusses the management of obesity in general practice including first line lifestyle interventions and more intensive treatment strategies.

Metabolic Syndrome

Professor Mark Harris discusses the Metabolic Syndrome including how and why to make the diagnosis and principles of management in general practice.

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

Dr Alison Nankervis helps us negotiate the confusion around the diagnosis and management Gestational Diabetes Mellitus


Australian Family Physician RACGP

Printed from Australian Family Physician - https://www.racgp.org.au/afp/2013/august
© The Australian College of General Practitioners www.racgp.org.au