Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician


Traps for the unwary

November Vol 39 (11) 801-880


Addison disease

Susan O’Connell, Aris Siafarikas

Does it matter if I’m ‘just’ pregnant?

Ines Rio

Small dose...

George Braitberg, Ed Oakley


Ying Pan, Graeme C Miller, Janice Charles

Transient ischaemic attacks

Elaine S Leung, M Anne Hamilton-Bruce, Simon A Koblar

Up front

Quotes to remember...

Kate Molinari

Letters to the editor


Intravenous iron replacement

Mark Naim, Jennifer Hunter

Patients living with cancer

Anupam Datta Gupta, Sue Lewis, Russell Shute

Typhoid and paratyphoid fever

Cora A Mayer, Amy A Neilson


General practice as a fortress

Parker J Magin, Jon Adams, Terry Joyce, Susan Goode, Georgina Cotter

Establishing the Victorian Primary Care Practice Based Research Network

Meredith Temple-Smith, Jane Gunn, Marie Pirotta, Melinda Soós, Kate Johnston-Ata’Ata

Predicting central sensitisation

Robert Ferrari


Failure to diagnose: diabetic ketoacidosis

Sara Bird

Linking the RACGP curriculum to vocational education

Heather McGarry, Melanie Cheng, Peter Bratuskins, Mark Rowe, Lyn Clearihan


General practice

Sarah Dennis, Siaw-Teng Liaw, Annie Lau

AFP in practice

AFP in Practice

Carolyn O’Shea

Back pages

Clinical challenge

Deepa Daniel, Kate Molinari


A ‘tobacco endgame'.

Professor Matthew Peters discusses a range of options that have been raised for a ‘tobacco endgame.’

Occupation and environmental respiratory presentations

Dr Ryan Hoy discusses the range of causes and presentations of respiratory presentations related to occupation and environmental exposures.

Bronchiectasis diagnosis and management

Dr Graeme Maguire discusses bronchiectasis including issues around diagnosis and management

Recreation and travel for patients with chronic lung disease

Christine McDonald discusses the answer to the question ‘Is it okay for me to…?’ when patients with chronic lung disease ask about travel and recreational activities

Women survivors of child abuse

Adeline Lee discusses research into women survivors of child abuse thoughts on being asked about their experiences by GPs.


Australian Family Physician RACGP

Printed from Australian Family Physician - https://www.racgp.org.au/afp/2010/november
© The Australian College of General Practitioners www.racgp.org.au