Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician


Street drugs

August Vol 39 (8) 529-609


Drug abuse

Helena Britt, Salma Fahridin, Janice Charles

Prescription drug misuse

Benny Monheit

Opioid dependence

Matthew Frei

Cannabis and mental health

Amanda Baker, Dan I Lubman

Party drugs

Matthew Frei

Diagnostic dilemmas in substance disorders

Rodger Brough

Up front

Heaven, earth, hell

Jenni Parsons


Managing a difficult periorbital skin cancer

Steven Tomas

Yellow fever

Cora A Mayer, Amy A Neilson

Skier’s thumb

Daniel Anderson

Dietary management in diabetes

Alan Barclay, Heather Gilbertson, Kate Marsh, Carmel Smart

Type 2 diabetes

Richard J MacIsaac, Ada Cheung, George Jerums


Psychosocial assessment of young people

Alexandra Parker, Rosemary Purcell, Sarah Hetrick

Alexandra Parker, Rosemary Purcell, Sarah Hetrick

A diagnosis of hepatitis C

Jamee Newland, Magdalena Harris, Rachel Deacon, Lisa Maher, Carla Treloar


Mandatory reporting of health practitioners

Sara Bird

Advice for an adventurous career

James Blogg

Prostate specific antigen

Shomik Sengupta, Niall Corcorane, Patrick Mahar, Karinne Ludlow

Leading a practice

Neville Steer

AFP in practice

AFP in Practice

Carolyn O’Shea

Back pages

Clinical challenge

Kate Molinari



Dr Kirsten Campbell discusses the evaluation and management of thyrotoxicosis


Dr Michelle So discusses the aetiology, clinical features, investigation and management of hypothyroidism


Dr Kiernan Hughes discusses the causes, investigation and management of goitre in the general practice setting

Thyroid conditions in pregnancy

Dr Simon Forehan discusses the detection and management of thyroid conditions in pregnancy


Australian Family Physician RACGP

Printed from Australian Family Physician - https://www.racgp.org.au/afp/2010/august
© The Australian College of General Practitioners www.racgp.org.au