General practitioners have been identified as having a key role in
promoting healthy weight. In 2006, the South East Alliance of General
Practice – Brisbane (Ltd) was approached by the Mater Children’s
Hospital to participate in the KOALA (Kinder Overweight Activity
Lifestyle Actions) at Mater Healthy Lifestyle study. Between June
2007 and January 2008, only 14 eligible children were identified and
referred to the KOALA study by participating GPs – a much lower
referral rate than the study required. The aim of this study was to
investigate barriers among GPs to the assessment of overweight and
obesity in children aged 6–10 years.
Although most GPs agreed they had a role in management and
felt confident to assess overweight and obesity in children, only a
minority were putting this into practice, suggesting there are other
barriers. Practice systems that facilitate implementation of National
Health and Medical Research Council guidelines may need to be put
in place.
Of the 33 (67%) respondents, 93% agreed child overweight and
obesity was a medical problem, that GPs had a role in management,
and that the KOALA study had made them more aware of identifying
overweight children. Only 57% however, reported changing their
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