Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician


Sexual Health

June Vol 38 (6) 369-464
AFP > 2009 > June


Bacterial vaginosis

Marie Pirotta, Kath A Fethers, Catriona S Bradshaw

Catching up on contraception

Katrina Allen

Syphilis, the great mimicker, is back

Marcus Y Chen, Melanie Bissessor

Up front

AFP in a changing environment

Patrick D Byrnes

Sexually transmissible infections

Siobhan Bourke, Tina Schmidt

Letters to the editor


Dermatoscopy for in vivo diagnosis of malignant melanoma

Sergio Vano-Galvan, Ingrid Aguayo-Leyva, Elena de las Heras, Pedro Jaén Olasolo

Can a dietician help?

Claire Hewat

Pelvic instability

Danielle M Esler, David A Mitchell

Postprostatectomy stress urinary incontinence

Prem Rashid, Ian A R Smith, Elizabeth Shaw

Spontaneous pneumomediastinum

Lucy Morgan, Steven Chung


Attitudes of WA GPs to chlamydia partner notification

Revle D Bangor-Jones, Jenny McCloskey, Levinia Crooks, Lisa A Bastian, Christine Dykstra, Lewis J Marshall, Simona R Achitei, Donna B Mak

Barriers to the management of obesity in children

Helen Dettori, Helen Elliott, Janette Horn, Gary Leong

Telephone interpreters in general practice

Yu-Ting Huang, Christine Phillips

Using meditation for less stress and better wellbeing

Ramesh Manocha, Amy Gordon, Gin Malhi, Raymond Seidler, Deborah Black


Lesbian and bisexual women’s sexual health

Ruth McNair

Dietary intervention to lower serum cholesterol

John Litt, Claire Hewat, Peter Clifton, David Colquhoun, Peter Jones, Manny Noakes, Richard O’Brien, Bill Shrapnel, Murray Skeaff

Medical journals

Kath O’Connor


Sexual health

Christopher Harrison, Helena Britt, Janice Charles

AFP in practice

AFP in Practice

Carolyn O’Shea

Back pages

Book reviews

Clinical challenge

Rachel Lee


Basic and advanced cardiac life support - whats new?

Professor Hugh Grantham discusses the key messages from the latest Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines on basic and advanced life support.

Anaphylaxis - recognition and management

Professor Simon Brown discusses the recognition, assessment and evidence based management of anaphylaxis in the general practice setting.

Survival radiology for GPs

Dr Sarah Skinner outlines a structured approach to interpretation of common emergency X-rays.


Australian Family Physician RACGP

Printed from Australian Family Physician - https://www.racgp.org.au/afp/2009/june
© The Australian College of General Practitioners www.racgp.org.au