Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician



Moira G Sim

Email: m.sim@ecu.edu.au
MBBS(WA), PGDipDrugAlcAbStud, FRACGP, FAChAM, is Head, School of Medical Sciences and Director, Systems and Intervention Research Centre for Health, Edith Cowan University, Clinical Associate Professor, University of Western Australia and a general practitioner, Dianella, Western Australia.

Aggressive behaviour Prevention and management in the general practice environment

Aggressive behaviour is commonly encountered in the general practice setting and can often be de-escalated using good communication skills.

Influencing behaviour change in general practice Part 1 – brief intervention and motivational interviewing

Behaviour change toward achieving a healthy lifestyle is important for all Australians, and general practitioners have a key role to play in assisting patients to make these changes.

Influencing behaviour change in general practice Part 2 – motivational interviewing approaches

Behaviour change toward achieving a healthy lifestyle is important for all Australians, and general practitioners have a key role to play in assisting patients to make these changes.


Australian Family Physician RACGP

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