Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician



Mark Nelson

Email: mark.nelson@utas.edu.au
MBBS(Hons), MFM, FRACGP, FAFPHM, PhD, is Professor and Chair, Discipline of General Practice and senior member, Menzies Research Institute Tasmiania, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania

Barriers to diagnosing and managing hypertension A qualitative study in Australian general practice

Elevated blood pressure (BP) is a major modifiable risk factor. However hypertension still remains underdiagnosed, untreated or suboptimally treated. This study aimed to identify and explore...

A qualitative study in Australian general practice

Elevated blood pressure (BP) is a major modifiable risk factor. However hypertension still remains underdiagnosed, untreated or suboptimally treated. This study aimed to identify and explore...

General practitioners’ use of cardiovascular risk calculators

This study was designed to investigate general practitioners’ knowledge of absolute risk estimation, and whether they used it to guide their management of cardiovascular disease.

How to measure home blood pressure: Recommendations for healthcare professionals and patients

Home blood pressure (BP) monitoring, the self-measurement of BP in the home, away from a medical environment, provides a greater number of BP readings that are more reliable for assessment of true...

Management of hypertension in general practice A qualitative needs assessment of Australian GPs

An earlier study by the authors identified a number of factors that worked against best practice BP management in Australian general practice.7 General practitioners felt disenfranchised and...

Peripheral arterial disease Diagnosis and management in general practice

The most common symptom of PAD is intermittent claudication (IC) affecting the calf muscles, which may be present in as few as 10% of patients.5 Symptomatic PAD patients have a worse prognosis than...

PORRIGE A cohort study of general practice registrars

Current general practitioner shortages need to be addressed, especially in areas of need. This study was designed to investigate which registrar characteristics were associated with...

Up, up and away: The growth of after-hours MBS claims

Recent media reports have cited substantial growth in annual reimbursements for Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) item number 597 for urgent, sociable after-hours consultations. Between 2010 and...


Australian Family Physician RACGP

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