Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician



Kim M Henderson

is a research assistant, General Practice Training – Valley to Coast, Newcastle, New South Wales.

Identification of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander status by general practice registrars: Confidence and associations

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples continue to have significantly worse health outcomes when compared with non-Indigenous Australians.1 This includes higher rates of chronic and...

Procedural skills in general practice vocational training What should be taught?

A list of procedural skills is an important component of a curriculum for general practice vocational training. This study aimed to establish an up-to-date list of core procedural skills...

Procedural skills of Australian general practice registrars: A cross-sectional analysis

The provision of clinical procedural services has been, and remains, an integral part of general practice. In Australia, as in many other countries, general practitioners’ (GPs’) provision of...

The Registrars’ Clinical Encounters in Training (ReCEnT) project: educational and research aspects of documenting general practice trainees’ clinical experience

General practice vocational training in many countries, including Australia, operates in an apprenticeship-based model. Most of the teaching and learning occurs in the practice environment with the...


Australian Family Physician RACGP

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