Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician



Chris Hayes

BMed(Hons), FANZCA, FFPMANZCA, MMed, is Director, Hunter Integrated Pain Service, Newcastle, New South Wales

Opioid use in chronic non-cancer pain Part 1 Known knowns and known unknowns

Indications and definitionsThe main indications for prescribing opioids are for the management of opioid dependency, acute pain, terminal pain and for CNCP.Opioid dependency has been treated with...

Opioid use in chronic non-cancer pain Part 2 Prescribing issues and alternatives

Case study 1Just before leaving work one Friday evening, your receptionist informs you that a short-acting oxycodone repeat prescription is required for a female patient, 74 years of age, who sees...


Australian Family Physician RACGP

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