Australian Family Physician
Australian Family Physician



Jenny Doust

Email: jdoust@bond.edu.au
BMBS, PhD, FRACGP, is Professor, Centre for Research in Evidence Based Practice, Bond University, Gold Coast, Queensland.

A is for aphorism ‘A normal person is only someone who hasn’t been investigated enough yet'

So what accounts for the difference between the prevalence of disease we see in research applications (and newspaper headlines) and these data? First, we are labelling more and more people with...

A is for aphorism A woman is pregnant until proven otherwise

Highly sensitive beta-hCG tests and transvaginal ultrasounds have made it much less likely that a woman will present with an undiagnosed pregnancy, or that we will miss the diagnosis. In the United...

Is the problem that everything is a diagnosis?

Figure 1. Incidence and mortality from thyroid cancer in Australia Source: Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) 2012. ACIM (Australian Cancer Incidence and Mortality) Books. AIHW...

Prioritising CVD prevention therapy Absolute risk versus individual risk factors

To direct treatment to those most likely to benefit, treatment is increasingly focused on those at high risk based on combined risk factors, the absolute risk approach. This approach was developed...


Australian Family Physician RACGP

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