Overcoming barriers for addressing domestic and family violence
On-demand recorded 7 May 2024
Domestic and family violence (DFV) is common with one in three women being subjected to DFV worldwide. However, there are significant barriers to help-seeking by survivors, and identification of DFV by health providers.
This RACGP webinar aims to give participants an understanding of the barriers faced by both survivors and health practitioners, how these may be overcome, the expectations that survivors have from health practitioners and a model for health practitioners' readiness to address DFV.
The Safer Families Centre has also developed a clinical audit CPD activity for GPs on Intimate Partner Violence Identification (IPV) and Initial Response that compliments this webinar. The activity aims to provide a better understanding of IPV and how to identify and ask patients about it. GPs will also strengthen their capacity to identify barriers to asking about IPV and how to overcome those barriers. The activity also attracts up to 10 RACGP CPD hours in Measuring Outcomes for GPs.
For more information on this Audit activity, or to download the Audit template, visit: https://www.saferfamilies.org.au/cpd-audit
A/Prof Jennifer Neil
GP and Educator with The University of Melbourne and Monash University
A/Prof Laura Tarzia
Principal Research Fellow, Department of General Practice, The University of Melbourne