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Approach to enhancing Cancer Screening and Prevention in Primary Care Members login for free access About RACGP online events


Type: On-demand
Recorded: 8 Apr 2024


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Approach to enhancing Cancer Screening and Prevention in Primary Care

On-demand recorded 8 Apr 2024

When compared to other Australian States and Territories, NSW cancer screening participation in eligible populations is ranked towards the lower end. Secondary prevention participation through population based screening is an effective mechanism to improved cancer outcomes with evidence demonstrating breast, cervical and bowel cancers detected through the National Cancer Screening Programs in Australia, were less likely to cause death.
The Cancer Institute’s seventh annual state-wide report provides a snapshot of current performance and trends in cancer prevention, screening, treatment, and clinical trials at a state level.
Reporting for Better Cancer Outcomes: Annual statewide report 2022 | Cancer Institute NSW
The RACGP NSW&ACT Faculty and the Cancer Institute NSW are partnering in a one-hour webinar to educate health service delivery teams (General Practitioners, practice nurses, practice managers and administration staff) on how to locally tailor and enhance cancer prevention and support participation in the national cancer screening programs. The Institute’s Primary Care Cancer Control Quality Improvement Toolkit supports identification of at-risk patients and provides practical strategies for cancer focused quality improvement.
The webinar will be delivered by the Cancer Institute NSW and A/Prof Carolyn Ee, a Survivorship Specialist, Supportive Care & Integrative Oncology Specialist GP at the Chris O’Brien Lifehouse and Scientific Committee Member at the Primary Care Collaborative Cancer Clinical Trials group.

Learning outcomes

  1. Outline current NSW performance and trends in cancer prevention and screening
  2. Identify key elements underpinning team-based, cancer focused, quality improvement in the practice setting
  3. Outline data and systems utilisation to support participation in national cancer screening and preventive programs to reduce cancer risk
  4. Summarise a Patient-centred approach to tailored information and care that is responsive to people’s individual needs and preferences


Assoc Prof Joel Rhee
Chair RACGP Specific Interests Cancer and Palliative Care

Joel is an academic GP leading the Discipline of General Practice and Primary Care at the School of Population Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health, UNSW Sydney. He is a teacher, researcher, supervisor, and clinician with a passion for improving the delivery of care by primary healthcare professionals to people who are most in need. Especially people with palliative and supportive care needs, and people with advanced and chronic conditions, particularly cancer.


A/Prof Carolyn Ee
Survivorship Specialist, Supportive Care & Integrative Oncology Specialist GP, Chris O’Brien Lifehouse

A/Prof Carolyn Ee is a Survivorship Specialist, Supportive Care & Integrative Oncology Specialist GP at the Chris O’Brien Lifehouse. She is Principal Research Fellow at NICM Health Research Institute, Western Sydney University, and recipient of multiple awards and scholarships including a Women’s Health Research Translation and Impact Network Early-Mid Career Fellowship. Carolyn is a Scientific Committee Member at the Primary Care Collaborative Cancer Clinical Trials Group and Deputy Faculty Chair, Faculty of Specific Interests, RACGP.

Professor Tracey O’Brien
Chief Cancer Officer and Chief Executive Officer, Cancer Institute NSW

Professor Tracey O’Brien is a paediatric and adolescent haematologist and oncologist with more than 25 years of experience improving the outcomes of people with cancer in NSW, Australia and internationally. Professor O’Brien has held numerous national and international executive and advisory board positions, including Chair of the Cancer Australia Advisory Board, Vice Chair (Asia, Africa and Australia) Advisory Committee of the Centre for International Bone Marrow Transplant Research, Vice Chair and Board Director, Australian and New Zealand Children’s Haematology and Oncology Group (ANZCHOG), Board Director, Australian & New Zealand Transplant and Cellular Therapies, and Board Director, Children’s Cancer Institute. Professor O’Brien is a Conjoint Professor in Oncology within the School of Women’s and Children’s Health, Faculty of Medicine, UNSW, and has authored more than 110 publications on leukaemia, transplant, cellular therapies and health system research.

Hayley Robertson
Policy, Equity and System Enablement Manager, Cancer Institute NSW

Hayley leads a range of teams focused on enhancing equitable access and health outcomes for people of NSW, within the newly formed Office of the Chief Executive at the Cancer Institute NSW. An experienced senior health policy and strategy leader, Hayley has more than 20 years’ experience working in both the private and public sectors. With lived experience of being raised in regional NSW, Hayley is dedicated to supporting health system change through exploration, consultation and a collaborative approach to meet the needs of communities experiencing a high health inequality burden.


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