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Collaborating with the family and team: Common practice challenges in child mental health

Other RACGP online events

Originally recorded:

27 July 2023

This webinar will explore the importance of collaborating with the family and the professional team for child mental healthcare.

The webinar will capture the voices of Emerging Minds’ child and family partners to highlight the importance of collaboration to families, explore activities that can be undertaken within regional areas to increase collaboration between service providers, and highlight benefits and challenges of some innovative models of care.


Learning outcomes

  1. Identify practical and effective ways of establishing relationships and collaborating with other services and the community
  2. Identify ways that general practice can adapt to better support families and child mental health
  3. Discuss innovative models of care which could benefit both practice and families whilst treating child mental health concerns

This event is part of Emerging Minds webinar series 2023. Events in this series are:


Dr James Best
Chair, RACGP Specific Interests Child and Young Person’s Health

Dr James Best has been a GP for over 20 years. His practice has a focus on child development, child behaviour, parenting, and children with disabilities. He has been widely published in medical and mainstream publications on these and other child health topics. Dr Best is Chair, RACGP Specific Interests Child and Young Person’s Health.


Dr Tim Jones

Dr Tim Jones is a GP with an interest in child and infant health. He is passionate about supporting parents and families in a holistic manner. His clinical areas of interest include infant feeding and settling support, primary care led childhood learning and behavioural assistance, and eating disorder management. Tim works at Glebe Hill Family Practice Hobart, as a senior medical educator with the RACGP and provides developmental and behavioural services for the Tasmanian Health Service.

Dr Kumudu Rathnayaka
Child and adolescent psychiatrist

Dr Rathnayaka is a senior child and adolescent psychiatrist working across different service settings, including both public and private sectors. She is Conjoint Fellow, School of Medicine and Public Health, University of Newcastle.

Amanda Peters
Lived Experience

Amanda is a busy Mum to two children aged 11 and 14 years old. She has worked for over twenty years in various early childhood services and has a keen interest in supporting the mental health of children. From her personal and professional experience, Amanda has a good understanding of how health and social services can assist with supporting the social and emotional wellbeing of children, parents, families and communities. Amanda has contributed to a range of Emerging Minds projects as a child and family partner generously offering her lived experience perspectives to e-learning courses, webinars, consultations and review of resources.

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